毕业论文 multisim在模拟电子实验中的应用研究.doc
毕业论文 multisim在模拟电子实验中的应用研究,目录ni multisim10介绍7两级电压串联负反馈放大电路实例8用运算放大器设计波形发生器实例14结语17参考文献18 multisim在模拟电子实验中的应用研究1111111,物理与电子信息学院摘要:目前高校在模拟电子电路实验教学方面,选择采用实物元器件直接于实验箱上搭建电路,再测试、记录、分析并处理数据,最终得...

此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
NI Multisim10介绍 7
两级电压串联负反馈放大电路实例 8
用运算放大器设计波形发生器实例 14
结语 17
参考文献 18
摘 要:目前高校在模拟电子电路实验教学方面,选择采用实物元器件直接于实验箱上搭建电路,再测试、记录、分析并处理数据,最终得出结论;或者选择利用multisim软件于计算机上进行电路的软件仿真实验,效果不相上下。真实实验能够锻炼学生的动手能力,但需要高质量的设备支持,且手工数据分析很复杂,实验消耗时间较多;用multisim软件仿真电路进行实验则方便快捷,仿真程度高,适合于模电教学实验等中初级电路的仿真,这二者效率不可同日而语。本文初浅的描述一下multisim用于模电的情形。
关键词:Multisim10.0 仿真 模拟电子实验
The Research of Multisim Application to Analog Electronic Experiments
111111111111111,The College of Physics and Electronic Information.
Abstruct:Currently,the colleges create analog electronic circuits consist of physical components directly on the test chamber,then test,analyze,process and record the data,at last draw the conclusion;or they make simulation of the analog electronic experiments on the computer by using the Multisim software,the effect is similar.Real experiments can train the practical ability,but ask for high-quality equipments.The manual data analysis costs a lot of time.The Multisim simulation of circuits is very fast ,convenient and highly realistic,so the software is suitable for the simulation of primary circuits just like the experiments in teaching analog electronics.The efficiency changes.This article describes the case of the Multisim application to analog electronics briefly.
Key Words:Multisim10.0 Simulation Analog Electronic experiment
NI Multisim10介绍 7
两级电压串联负反馈放大电路实例 8
用运算放大器设计波形发生器实例 14
结语 17
参考文献 18
摘 要:目前高校在模拟电子电路实验教学方面,选择采用实物元器件直接于实验箱上搭建电路,再测试、记录、分析并处理数据,最终得出结论;或者选择利用multisim软件于计算机上进行电路的软件仿真实验,效果不相上下。真实实验能够锻炼学生的动手能力,但需要高质量的设备支持,且手工数据分析很复杂,实验消耗时间较多;用multisim软件仿真电路进行实验则方便快捷,仿真程度高,适合于模电教学实验等中初级电路的仿真,这二者效率不可同日而语。本文初浅的描述一下multisim用于模电的情形。
关键词:Multisim10.0 仿真 模拟电子实验
The Research of Multisim Application to Analog Electronic Experiments
111111111111111,The College of Physics and Electronic Information.
Abstruct:Currently,the colleges create analog electronic circuits consist of physical components directly on the test chamber,then test,analyze,process and record the data,at last draw the conclusion;or they make simulation of the analog electronic experiments on the computer by using the Multisim software,the effect is similar.Real experiments can train the practical ability,but ask for high-quality equipments.The manual data analysis costs a lot of time.The Multisim simulation of circuits is very fast ,convenient and highly realistic,so the software is suitable for the simulation of primary circuits just like the experiments in teaching analog electronics.The efficiency changes.This article describes the case of the Multisim application to analog electronics briefly.
Key Words:Multisim10.0 Simulation Analog Electronic experiment