毕业论文 含穿孔损伤复合材料层合板刚度降模型.doc


毕业论文 含穿孔损伤复合材料层合板刚度降模型,基于疲劳损伤两段论的复合材料层合板刚度降模型李伟摘要:复合材料在静态和动态载荷作用下的损伤是十分复杂的,对损伤的精确建模是关系到复合材料力学行为描述的关键问题。精确的模型能更深刻地认识复合材料的损伤机理。本文从实际工程背景出发,利用疲劳累积损伤模型,结合疲劳损伤两段理论,对复合材料层合板的寿命问题开展了较为系统深入的研...
分类: 论文>材料科学论文


此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布


关键词:复合材料 刚度降 疲劳损伤 寿命预测 S-N曲线

Stiffness reduction analysis for composite laminates with circular hole
Li Wei
Abstract:No matter laminated composite is subjected to static or dynamic load, damage is significantly complex. Accurate modeling for fatigue damage is the key of mechanical characterization of laminated composite. In this paper, starting from a practical engineering background, using the fatigue accumulation damage theory, together with the two-stage theory for fatigue damage, a in-depth study for the fatigue life ofcomposite laminates are carried on. The research work in this paper is included following:
1、 On the basis of the stiffness reduction model, According to the two-stage fatigue damage theory, a damage process is divided into two stage。In order to express the fatigue damage accurately, the two-stage model for fatigue accumulation damage is presented. Through accessing to the corresponding test data, using of the least squares method for multi-function, the parameters in the model are finally got. In the end, the fatigue tests of the composite materials under 75% ultimate strength are investigated experimentally.
2、 Based on the stiffness reduction model of imperforate composite laminates, using the concept of “characteristic dimension” stress, a fatigue model is presented for the fatigue of notched laminates, and the concept of the correct factor is also defined. The fatigue test of notched laminates with different diameters is refered to abtain the correct factor and the model of notched laminates. The S-N curve of laminates with a 5mm hole is presented.
Key words: composites; stiffness reduction; fatigue damage; life prediction; S-N curve

目 录
第1章 概 述 1
1.1 引 言 1
1.2 复合材料疲劳特性研究方法 4
1.3 累积损伤理论回顾 5
1.3.1 剩余寿命模型 6
1.3.2 剩余强度模型 6
1.3.3 剩余刚度模型 7
1.3.4 耗散能模型 8
1.3.5 Markov链损伤扩展模型 8
1.3.6 其他模型 8
1.4 本文研究方法 9
第2章 复合材料层合板疲劳寿命分析模型的建立 12
2.1 刚度降模型简介 12
2.1.1 理论模型 12
2.1.2 半经验模型 14
2.1.3 经验模型 16
2.2 基于分段损伤论的刚度降模型的建立 19
2.3 带孔层合板的疲劳累积损伤模型 22
2.4 本章小结 24
第3章 完整层合板刚度降模型的求解 25
3.1 试验概况 25
3.2 静强度试验结果 26
3.3 疲劳寿命试验结果及分析 26
3.4 疲劳损伤模型的求解 29
3.4.1 第一阶段刚度降模型的求解 30
3.4.2 第二阶段刚度降模型的求解 31
3.5 单级载荷下复合材料层合板S-N曲线预测 33
3.6 预测已知最大加载应力试件使用寿命的算例 35
3.6.1 关于经验刚度断裂准则的拟合 35
3.6.2 75%应力水平下的寿命预测算例 36
3.7 本章小结 36
第4章 带孔层合板疲劳及损伤模型研究 38
4.1 不同孔径带孔层合板的静态参数 38
4.1.1 试件的几何尺寸 38
4.1.2 带孔板件的静拉伸试验与静强度参数 39
4.1.3 带孔层合板特征尺寸 的确定 39
4.2 不同孔径带孔层合板的疲劳行为 40
4.3 带孔板疲劳累积损伤寿命模型 42
4.4 带孔板的S—N曲线预测 44
4.5 本章小结 46
第5章 总结与展望 47
5.1 全文总结 47
5.2 展望 48
后 记 50
参考文献 51
附录 55
附录A:程序清单 55
附录B:外文资料翻译 58
英文资料原文部分 58
英文资料翻译部分 68