
此文档由会员 lzj781219 发布
It is well known that fingerprints of an individual are unique and are normally unchanged during the whole life.Depends on this kind of unique and stability,we can get up a person together with his fingerprint, and can verify his identity by comparing his fingerprint with the fingerprint keeped in advance.This is the fingerprint-identify technique.As one of living characteristic identifies ,it has been applied in many kinds of safe system:Simple Lockfast System;Complicated Controlled Gate System;Fingerprint and Intelligence Card combination application;Network Safety depending on the fingerprint identifies etc.
In this text, detailed introducts a Examinee’s System depending on the fingerprint identifies and Ic technique.The examinee’s System is built with some principal function:fingerprints collector、the examination card issues、examinee’s fingerprint verifier etc.In this text,the process of detailed analysis and realizes is introduced.
Keywords: fingerprint,examination,IC,
1、操作系统:Microsoft Windows Xp
2、开发工具:Microsoft Visual C++
2、 撰写毕业设计说明书
3、 英文文献的阅读与翻译
目 录
第一章 前 言 5
1、指纹识别技术简介 5
2、指纹识别的基本原理 6
3、可靠性问题 8
4、研究现状 9
第二章 系统方案的可行性论证 10
1、指纹作为考生身份认证的可行性 10
2、IC卡作为存储介质的可行性 12
第三章 系统方案确定 13
1、基本原理 13
2、系统方案 13
3、系统方案示意图 14
4、系统流程图 15
第四章 系统需求分析 16
1、系统功能分析 16
2、存储卡的数据格式分析 16
3、系统的数据流图 18
3.1新建考生信息数据流图 18
3.2指纹比对数据流图 18
3.3修改考试磁卡数据流图 19
4、数据字典 19
4.1文件条目 19
4.2数据项条目: 20
第五章 系统的设计 23
1、录取指纹程序流程图: 23
2、制作指纹模板程序流程图: 24
3、考生身份验证程序流程图: 25
4、写磁卡的程序流程图: 26
第六章系统的实现 27
1、总体界面设计 27
2、新建档案界面设计 27
3、修改考生磁卡信息界面设计 29
4、考生身份认证界面设计 30
5、系统基本设置界面设计 30
第七章 小结 32
参考文献(Refences) 33
附录 34
附录A英文翻译 34
1英文原文 34
2译文 43
附录B智能卡SLE4428内容格式设计 50
附录C部分源代码 50
[1] A.K.Jain,L.Hong,S.Pankanti and R.Bolle,“An Identity Authentication System Using Fingerprints”, Proc. IEEE,85(9),1365-1388,1997.
[2] A.K.Jain, L.Hong and R.Bolle, “On-line Fingerprint Verifycation”, IEEE Trans.On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 19(4),302-313,1997.
[3] N.Ratha, S.Chen, and A.K.Jain, “Adaptive Flow Orientation Based Feature Extraction in Fingerprint Images”, Pattern Recongnition. 28(11),1657-1672, 1995.
[4] L.Hong, Y.Wan and A.K.Jain, “Fingerprint Image Enhancement: Algorithm and Performance Evaluation”, IEEE Trans. On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,20(8),77-789,1998.
[5] D.Miao and D.Maltoni, “Direct Gray-Scale Minutiae Detection in FingerPrint”, IEEE Trans. On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,19(1),27-39,1997.
[6] X.Jiang, W.Y.Yau and W.Ser, “Minutiae Extraction by Adaptive Tracing the Gray Level Ridge of the Fingeprint Image”, IEEE Sixth International Conference on Image Processing, Japan, 1999.
[7] Q.Xiao, and H.Raafat, “Fingerprint Image Postprocessing: A Combined Statiscal and Structural Approach”, Pattern Recognition. 24(10), 985-992,1991.
[8] L. O’Gorman, J.V.Nickerson, “An Approach to Fingerprint Filter Design”, Pattern Recognition. 22(1), 29-38,1989.
[11]International Standard ISO 7810. Identification cards. Phsical characteristics,1985
[12]International Standard ISO/IEC 7816. Identification cards. Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts.1987~1994
[14][美]David J. Kruglinski, Scot Wingo, et al. Visual c++6.0技术内幕. 北京:北京希望电子出版社,2001
[15]Richard C. Leinecker & Tom Archer. Visual C++ 6 Bible[M].Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry. 1999
[17]何斌等,Visual C++数字图像处理[M],北京:人民邮电出版社,2001
[21][美]Dan Rahme,使用Visual Studio 6 开发Web数据库应用程序[M], 北京:清华大学出版社,2002
It is well known that fingerprints of an individual are unique and are normally unchanged during the whole life.Depends on this kind of unique and stability,we can get up a person together with his fingerprint, and can verify his identity by comparing his fingerprint with the fingerprint keeped in advance.This is the fingerprint-identify technique.As one of living characteristic identifies ,it has been applied in many kinds of safe system:Simple Lockfast System;Complicated Controlled Gate System;Fingerprint and Intelligence Card combination application;Network Safety depending on the fingerprint identifies etc.
In this text, detailed introducts a Examinee’s System depending on the fingerprint identifies and Ic technique.The examinee’s System is built with some principal function:fingerprints collector、the examination card issues、examinee’s fingerprint verifier etc.In this text,the process of detailed analysis and realizes is introduced.
Keywords: fingerprint,examination,IC,
1、操作系统:Microsoft Windows Xp
2、开发工具:Microsoft Visual C++
2、 撰写毕业设计说明书
3、 英文文献的阅读与翻译
目 录
第一章 前 言 5
1、指纹识别技术简介 5
2、指纹识别的基本原理 6
3、可靠性问题 8
4、研究现状 9
第二章 系统方案的可行性论证 10
1、指纹作为考生身份认证的可行性 10
2、IC卡作为存储介质的可行性 12
第三章 系统方案确定 13
1、基本原理 13
2、系统方案 13
3、系统方案示意图 14
4、系统流程图 15
第四章 系统需求分析 16
1、系统功能分析 16
2、存储卡的数据格式分析 16
3、系统的数据流图 18
3.1新建考生信息数据流图 18
3.2指纹比对数据流图 18
3.3修改考试磁卡数据流图 19
4、数据字典 19
4.1文件条目 19
4.2数据项条目: 20
第五章 系统的设计 23
1、录取指纹程序流程图: 23
2、制作指纹模板程序流程图: 24
3、考生身份验证程序流程图: 25
4、写磁卡的程序流程图: 26
第六章系统的实现 27
1、总体界面设计 27
2、新建档案界面设计 27
3、修改考生磁卡信息界面设计 29
4、考生身份认证界面设计 30
5、系统基本设置界面设计 30
第七章 小结 32
参考文献(Refences) 33
附录 34
附录A英文翻译 34
1英文原文 34
2译文 43
附录B智能卡SLE4428内容格式设计 50
附录C部分源代码 50
[1] A.K.Jain,L.Hong,S.Pankanti and R.Bolle,“An Identity Authentication System Using Fingerprints”, Proc. IEEE,85(9),1365-1388,1997.
[2] A.K.Jain, L.Hong and R.Bolle, “On-line Fingerprint Verifycation”, IEEE Trans.On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 19(4),302-313,1997.
[3] N.Ratha, S.Chen, and A.K.Jain, “Adaptive Flow Orientation Based Feature Extraction in Fingerprint Images”, Pattern Recongnition. 28(11),1657-1672, 1995.
[4] L.Hong, Y.Wan and A.K.Jain, “Fingerprint Image Enhancement: Algorithm and Performance Evaluation”, IEEE Trans. On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,20(8),77-789,1998.
[5] D.Miao and D.Maltoni, “Direct Gray-Scale Minutiae Detection in FingerPrint”, IEEE Trans. On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,19(1),27-39,1997.
[6] X.Jiang, W.Y.Yau and W.Ser, “Minutiae Extraction by Adaptive Tracing the Gray Level Ridge of the Fingeprint Image”, IEEE Sixth International Conference on Image Processing, Japan, 1999.
[7] Q.Xiao, and H.Raafat, “Fingerprint Image Postprocessing: A Combined Statiscal and Structural Approach”, Pattern Recognition. 24(10), 985-992,1991.
[8] L. O’Gorman, J.V.Nickerson, “An Approach to Fingerprint Filter Design”, Pattern Recognition. 22(1), 29-38,1989.
[11]International Standard ISO 7810. Identification cards. Phsical characteristics,1985
[12]International Standard ISO/IEC 7816. Identification cards. Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts.1987~1994
[14][美]David J. Kruglinski, Scot Wingo, et al. Visual c++6.0技术内幕. 北京:北京希望电子出版社,2001
[15]Richard C. Leinecker & Tom Archer. Visual C++ 6 Bible[M].Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry. 1999
[17]何斌等,Visual C++数字图像处理[M],北京:人民邮电出版社,2001
[21][美]Dan Rahme,使用Visual Studio 6 开发Web数据库应用程序[M], 北京:清华大学出版社,2002