

网吧局域网组建,摘 要局域网的见就始于20世纪70年代,以1975年美国xerox公司退出的实验性以太网和1974年英国剑桥大学研制的剑桥环网为典型代表。目前,novell公司的netware、ibm公司的令牌环网、3com公司的3com ether系列网、microsoft公司的windows nt和windows 2...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 fmy 发布


摘    要

局域网的见就始于20世纪70年代,以1975年美国Xerox公司退出的实验性以太网和1974年英国剑桥大学研制的剑桥环网为典型代表。目前,Novell公司的NetWare、IBM公司的令牌环网、3COM公司的3COM Ether系列网、Microsoft公司的Windows NT和Windows 2000 Server、Datapoint公司的ARCNET网,都是最为流行的局域网。局域网覆盖范围小,常常为某一单位所独有,数据传输速率高、误码率低,建网周期短,便于管理和扩充。局域网普遍存在于我们的生活、学习和工作环境中。可以说局域网是专为微机而设计的网络系统,因此微机的飞速发展必然促使局域网的飞速发展。现在局域网正朝着告诉信息传输的方向发展。速度的限制主要源于传输介质和介质访问控制方式,因为计算机内部数据总线的数据传输率远远高于计算机外部传输介质上的数据传输率。人们正试图通过各种技术方案来攻克这一难关。


Internet Cafe Local Area Network

LAN see the 70s started in the 20th century, to Xerox Corporation in 1975, the United States out of the experimental Ethernet and the University of Cambridge in 1974, developed as a typical representative of the Cambridge ring. Currently, Novell's NetWare, IBM's Token Ring network, 3COM Corporation 3COM Ether series network, Microsoft Corporation's Windows NT and Windows 2000 Server, Datapoint's ARCNET network, are the most popular local area network. LAN coverage of small, often unique to a particular unit, the high data rate, error rate is low, network construction period is short, easy to manage and expand. LAN preva lent in our lives, learning and working environment. LAN can be designed specifically for computer network system, so necessary to promote the rapid development of computer local area network of rapid development. LAN is moving now to tell the direction of information transmission. Mainly due to the speed limit transmission medium and the medium access control method, because the computer internal data bus data transfer rates far higher than the external transmission medium computer data transfer rate. People are trying to overcome the technical difficulties the program.
The purpose of this paper is to design a small office LAN, to complete the formation and management of Internet cafes complete solution.
Dissertation are as follows:
In the analysis of the status of LAN-based development based on the design requirements, to propose a local area network set up and management of Internet cafes design.
According to the program and to determine the actual requirements, completed the practical from an economic point of view, so that all computers share an Internet cafe pstn, isdn, hdsl \ ddn other routes to access internet.
This paper addresses the following issues: from the economical point of view, so that all computers share an Internet cafe pstn, isdn, hdsl \ ddn other line access to internet; network nodes take the thread through a simple (t head) can be access, bus-type network with a line for a small amount, no expensive hub and other network equipment, not trunking, junction boxes and other structured cabling materials, much lower cost than a star network, if the re-use of diskless workstations, is the solution for Internet cafes most fall asleep.
The experiment proved that the system can meet the design requirements expected to realize the establishment and management of Internet cafes LAN, Local Area Network for the Internet cafes provide an experimental means.

Key Words:Local Area Network, network cabling, network management

目    录
摘    要 I
Abstract II
1 引言 5
1.1课题研究的目的和意义 5
1.2课题的实例 5
2网吧局域网络设计 5
2.1总线型网络 5
2.2星型网络 6
3网吧局域网客户机的网络配置 7
3.1安装网卡 7
3.2添加tcp/ip协议(win2000/XP) 7
3.3指定ip地址 7
3.4网络连通测试 7
4服务器的网络配置 7
4.1 专线接入internet 7
4.2 ip地址配置 8
com->,dlink->,netmask。 8
5连接isp 8
5.1 拨号接入 8
5.2专线接入 9
7. 网吧的计费管理 11
7.1美萍网管大师 11
7.2软件下载与注册 12
5结论 13
参 考 文 献 14
在学研究成果 16
致    谢 17