毕业论文 国产化妆品品牌国际化战略研究——基于“佰草集”与“薇姿”的对比分析.doc
毕业论文 国产化妆品品牌国际化战略研究——基于“佰草集”与“薇姿”的对比分析,摘要近几年我国化妆品市场始终保持持续、快速增长,目前我国已经成为仅次于日本和美国的世界第三大化妆品消费市场。然而令人遗憾的是,国内的中高端化妆品市场几乎被跨国品牌所占领,本土品牌基本被打压在低端市场,利润空间十分有限。与跨国企业相比,本土化妆品企业无论是从资本实力、产品组合,还是从产品研发、品牌影响等方面都处于相对劣势...

此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
摘 要
In recent years, China's cosmetics market has always been maintain sustained, and rapid growth. China has become the world’s third largest cosmetics consuming market, only behind to Japan and the United States. Regrettably, foreign brands are occupying the leading position of Chinese cosmetics market, and holding a large section of market share, while native cosmetics enterprises with limited profits can only wander up and down on the relatively low end market of china. Compared with the multi-national corporations, local cosmetics companies are in an inferior position either from the capital strength to product portfolio, or from product R&D to brand impact. Homogeneous products combination, duplicate market positioning and lacking of brand building are main factors restricting the development of local cosmetics corporations.
Observing the domestic cosmetics market, one of the common characteristics of well-know local brands is making good use of product differentiation strategy, segmenting market, creating market and publicizing the brands. Therefore, this entry point into the international brand, to set forth the theory in and abroad first, understood something about the development environment of domestic cosmetics, and analyzed the problem of brands on the road to internationalization. And then combined the typical cases, respectively discussed the brand history of Herborist and Vichy, and compared the two international development strategies for the brand, found the areas for other domestic cosmetics industry can affect and learn. At last, we took the proposed path of international brands under the analyze of cases. Companies must strengthen brand awareness, increase investment in technology and manpower, attention to diversity marketing, innovation with Chinese characteristics. it is of great practical significance to internal cosmetics industry nowadays.
Keywords: Domestic cosmetics; International brand; Herborist; VICHY
目 录
引言 1
1 品牌国际化理论概述 2
1.1 品牌国际化的科学内涵 2
1.2 企业品牌国际化的路径研究 2
1.2.1 内向型国际化路径 3
1.2.2 低成本扩张路径 3
1.2.3 OEM路径 3
1.2.4 自创品牌,建渠道路径 4
1.2.5 收购与兼并路径 4
1.2.6 企业集群路径 4
1.2.7 海外上市路径 5
2 国产化妆品品牌国际化发展现状及趋势分析 6
2.1 国产化妆品品牌国际化发展的产业背景 6
2.2 化妆品品牌国际化历程中普遍存在的问题 7
2.3 化妆品品牌国际化的趋势分析 9
3 “薇姿”和“佰草集”品牌国际化发展的对比分析 10
3.1 薇姿品牌概述 10
3.2 佰草集品牌概述 10
3.3 品牌国际化发展对比分析 12
3.3.1 产品特色对比分析 12
3.3.2 包装特色对比分析 12
3.3.3 宣传策略对比分析 13
3.3.4 行销策略对比分析 14
3.3.5 科技创新对比分析 14
3.3.6 人文形象策略对比分析 15
3.4 薇姿与佰草集的研究对国产化妆品品牌国际化的启示 17
3.4.1 品牌要具有自己的特色 17
3.4.2 形象包装体现优势 17
3.4.3 宣传方式要适合本品 17
3.4.4 行销渠道选择得当 18
3.4.5 科技对品牌建设的支持 18
3.4.6 品牌人文服务要到位 18
4 国产化妆品品牌国际化战略选择 19
4.1 产品策略 19
4.1.1 集中资源发展优势产品 19
4.1.2 加强科技研发 19
4.1.3 新产品开发 19
4.2 包装策略 20
4.2.1 民族风包装 20
4.2.2 绿色包装 20
4.2.3 防伪包装 20
4.3 品牌策略 20
4.3.1 加强公司品牌建设 20
4.3.2 创建中国特色的化妆品品牌 21
4.3.3 注重品牌建设的长期性 21
4.4 价格策略 21
4.5 渠道策略 22
4.5.1 重视不同的消费市场和群体 22
4.5.2 重视网络渠道建设 22
4.6 行销策略 22
4.6.1 整合营销传播,提高产品认知度 22
4.6.2 宣传要有的放矢,重点突破 23
4.6.3 加强公共关系,提高沟通层次 23
4.6.4 重视客户沟通,加强情感交流 23
结 论 25
参考文献 26
致 谢 28
In recent years, China's cosmetics market has always been maintain sustained, and rapid growth. China has become the world’s third largest cosmetics consuming market, only behind to Japan and the United States. Regrettably, foreign brands are occupying the leading position of Chinese cosmetics market, and holding a large section of market share, while native cosmetics enterprises with limited profits can only wander up and down on the relatively low end market of china. Compared with the multi-national corporations, local cosmetics companies are in an inferior position either from the capital strength to product portfolio, or from product R&D to brand impact. Homogeneous products combination, duplicate market positioning and lacking of brand building are main factors restricting the development of local cosmetics corporations.
Observing the domestic cosmetics market, one of the common characteristics of well-know local brands is making good use of product differentiation strategy, segmenting market, creating market and publicizing the brands. Therefore, this entry point into the international brand, to set forth the theory in and abroad first, understood something about the development environment of domestic cosmetics, and analyzed the problem of brands on the road to internationalization. And then combined the typical cases, respectively discussed the brand history of Herborist and Vichy, and compared the two international development strategies for the brand, found the areas for other domestic cosmetics industry can affect and learn. At last, we took the proposed path of international brands under the analyze of cases. Companies must strengthen brand awareness, increase investment in technology and manpower, attention to diversity marketing, innovation with Chinese characteristics. it is of great practical significance to internal cosmetics industry nowadays.
Keywords: Domestic cosmetics; International brand; Herborist; VICHY
目 录
引言 1
1 品牌国际化理论概述 2
1.1 品牌国际化的科学内涵 2
1.2 企业品牌国际化的路径研究 2
1.2.1 内向型国际化路径 3
1.2.2 低成本扩张路径 3
1.2.3 OEM路径 3
1.2.4 自创品牌,建渠道路径 4
1.2.5 收购与兼并路径 4
1.2.6 企业集群路径 4
1.2.7 海外上市路径 5
2 国产化妆品品牌国际化发展现状及趋势分析 6
2.1 国产化妆品品牌国际化发展的产业背景 6
2.2 化妆品品牌国际化历程中普遍存在的问题 7
2.3 化妆品品牌国际化的趋势分析 9
3 “薇姿”和“佰草集”品牌国际化发展的对比分析 10
3.1 薇姿品牌概述 10
3.2 佰草集品牌概述 10
3.3 品牌国际化发展对比分析 12
3.3.1 产品特色对比分析 12
3.3.2 包装特色对比分析 12
3.3.3 宣传策略对比分析 13
3.3.4 行销策略对比分析 14
3.3.5 科技创新对比分析 14
3.3.6 人文形象策略对比分析 15
3.4 薇姿与佰草集的研究对国产化妆品品牌国际化的启示 17
3.4.1 品牌要具有自己的特色 17
3.4.2 形象包装体现优势 17
3.4.3 宣传方式要适合本品 17
3.4.4 行销渠道选择得当 18
3.4.5 科技对品牌建设的支持 18
3.4.6 品牌人文服务要到位 18
4 国产化妆品品牌国际化战略选择 19
4.1 产品策略 19
4.1.1 集中资源发展优势产品 19
4.1.2 加强科技研发 19
4.1.3 新产品开发 19
4.2 包装策略 20
4.2.1 民族风包装 20
4.2.2 绿色包装 20
4.2.3 防伪包装 20
4.3 品牌策略 20
4.3.1 加强公司品牌建设 20
4.3.2 创建中国特色的化妆品品牌 21
4.3.3 注重品牌建设的长期性 21
4.4 价格策略 21
4.5 渠道策略 22
4.5.1 重视不同的消费市场和群体 22
4.5.2 重视网络渠道建设 22
4.6 行销策略 22
4.6.1 整合营销传播,提高产品认知度 22
4.6.2 宣传要有的放矢,重点突破 23
4.6.3 加强公共关系,提高沟通层次 23
4.6.4 重视客户沟通,加强情感交流 23
结 论 25
参考文献 26
致 谢 28