毕业论文 计算机网页病毒的剖析与防御.doc
毕业论文 计算机网页病毒的剖析与防御,摘要:如今,上网浏览信息和收发电子邮件已经是一件很普通的事情,但随之而来却是邮件病毒和网页病毒的泛滥流行。2000年5月4日欧美爆发的“爱虫”网络蠕虫病毒,由于是通过电子邮件系统传播,因此在短短几天内狂袭了全球数百万的电脑。微软、intel等在内的众多大型企业网络系统瘫痪,全球经济损失达几十亿美元。而“新欢乐时光”病毒...

此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
这些病毒最大的共同特点就是使用VB Script编写。VB Script脚本语言功能非常强大,它们利用Windows系统的开放性特点,通过用一些现成的Windows对象、组件,可以直接对文件系统、注册表等进行控制。原本是为了弥补HTML语言的缺陷,提供在网页中与Web客户交互的功能,但用心不良者却利用他们来制造网页病毒。
The computer web virus analysis and defense
Abstract:Today, Internet browsing and e-mail message is a very common thing, but it is followed by e-mail viruses and Web virus epidemics. May 4, 2000 in Europe and America broke out of the "Love Bug" network worm, because it is spread through e-mail system, so within a few days Kuang Xi millions of computers around the world. Microsoft, Intel, including many large-scale enterprise network system failures, global economic losses of several billion dollars. "New Happy Hour" virus majority of computer users today are so miserable.
Most common feature of these viruses is the use of VB Script writing. VB Script scripting language is very powerful, they use the open characteristics of the Windows system, by using some of the existing Windows objects, components, can be directly on the file system, registry and other control. Was originally designed to compensate for defects in the HTML language, provide customer interaction with the Web page functions, but those who have bad intentions to use them to create web viruses.
In this paper, Web virus this "new concept" virus formation and of the main page attack are described, through long-term virus production methods on the web, production techniques of observation and analysis, initially formed a basic defense, general manual cleanup, senior manual cleaning for the four levels of the "four steps" Web viral defense strategy.
KeyWords:Web virus; Windows scripting host; The browser; The registry; System process
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
第2章 网页病毒的概述 3
2.1、什么是网页病毒 3
2.2、网页病毒危机的形成原因 4
2.3、网页病毒的攻击方式 5
2.4、网页病毒的发展趋势 5
2.5、网页病毒的种类 6
第3章 网页病毒技术机理分析 8
3.1、网页病毒的制作方式 8
3.2、几种网页病毒制作技术分析 9
3.3、网页病毒的特征 11
3.4、网页病毒的传播手法 11
第4章 网页病毒的防御对策 12
4.1、网页病毒的基本防御 12
4.2、网页病毒一般清理 14
4.3、网页病毒一般手工清理 15
4.4、未知网页病毒的高级手工清理 18
第5章 结束语 21
参考文献 23
附录一 Nimda蠕虫病毒剖析 24
附录二 走进WSH 26
致 谢 32
这些病毒最大的共同特点就是使用VB Script编写。VB Script脚本语言功能非常强大,它们利用Windows系统的开放性特点,通过用一些现成的Windows对象、组件,可以直接对文件系统、注册表等进行控制。原本是为了弥补HTML语言的缺陷,提供在网页中与Web客户交互的功能,但用心不良者却利用他们来制造网页病毒。
The computer web virus analysis and defense
Abstract:Today, Internet browsing and e-mail message is a very common thing, but it is followed by e-mail viruses and Web virus epidemics. May 4, 2000 in Europe and America broke out of the "Love Bug" network worm, because it is spread through e-mail system, so within a few days Kuang Xi millions of computers around the world. Microsoft, Intel, including many large-scale enterprise network system failures, global economic losses of several billion dollars. "New Happy Hour" virus majority of computer users today are so miserable.
Most common feature of these viruses is the use of VB Script writing. VB Script scripting language is very powerful, they use the open characteristics of the Windows system, by using some of the existing Windows objects, components, can be directly on the file system, registry and other control. Was originally designed to compensate for defects in the HTML language, provide customer interaction with the Web page functions, but those who have bad intentions to use them to create web viruses.
In this paper, Web virus this "new concept" virus formation and of the main page attack are described, through long-term virus production methods on the web, production techniques of observation and analysis, initially formed a basic defense, general manual cleanup, senior manual cleaning for the four levels of the "four steps" Web viral defense strategy.
KeyWords:Web virus; Windows scripting host; The browser; The registry; System process
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
第2章 网页病毒的概述 3
2.1、什么是网页病毒 3
2.2、网页病毒危机的形成原因 4
2.3、网页病毒的攻击方式 5
2.4、网页病毒的发展趋势 5
2.5、网页病毒的种类 6
第3章 网页病毒技术机理分析 8
3.1、网页病毒的制作方式 8
3.2、几种网页病毒制作技术分析 9
3.3、网页病毒的特征 11
3.4、网页病毒的传播手法 11
第4章 网页病毒的防御对策 12
4.1、网页病毒的基本防御 12
4.2、网页病毒一般清理 14
4.3、网页病毒一般手工清理 15
4.4、未知网页病毒的高级手工清理 18
第5章 结束语 21
参考文献 23
附录一 Nimda蠕虫病毒剖析 24
附录二 走进WSH 26
致 谢 32