毕业论文 普通车床数控改造——用微机数控技术改造最大加工直径为400mm普通车床的进给系统.doc
毕业论文 普通车床数控改造——用微机数控技术改造最大加工直径为400mm普通车床的进给系统,摘要:了解数控机床的概念,所谓数控是按照含有机床(刀具)运动信息程序所指定的顺序自动执行操作的过程。而计算机数控机床就是数控机床在计算机监控下进行工作。它的优点很多,如可以在同一机床上一次装夹可完成多个操作,生产率显著提高等优点,但它的价格昂贵。由于我国现在使用的机床大多数为普通车床,自动化程度低,要更新现有机床需要很...

此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
Abstract:Numerical Control (NC) is any machining process in which the operations are executed automaticallu in sequences as specified by the program that contains the information for the tool movement .When Numerical Control is performed under computer supervision, it is called Computer Numerical Control (CNC).CNC machines have many advantages over conventional machines. For example, there is a possibility lf performing operations on the same machine in one setup and production is significantly increased. One of its disadvantages is that they are quite expensive. In our country conventional machine is used widely. So if the machines are replaced, there is going to need a large money. In order to agree with the development of our economy, we can reform the conventional machines. The overall master design: The way to NC improvement of general machine tool was introduced that using single-chip computer 80C51 to realize the real-time control and driving by step motor.
Key word: Numerical Control、machining、improvement、single-chip computer 80C51、step motor;
前 言
Abstract:Numerical Control (NC) is any machining process in which the operations are executed automaticallu in sequences as specified by the program that contains the information for the tool movement .When Numerical Control is performed under computer supervision, it is called Computer Numerical Control (CNC).CNC machines have many advantages over conventional machines. For example, there is a possibility lf performing operations on the same machine in one setup and production is significantly increased. One of its disadvantages is that they are quite expensive. In our country conventional machine is used widely. So if the machines are replaced, there is going to need a large money. In order to agree with the development of our economy, we can reform the conventional machines. The overall master design: The way to NC improvement of general machine tool was introduced that using single-chip computer 80C51 to realize the real-time control and driving by step motor.
Key word: Numerical Control、machining、improvement、single-chip computer 80C51、step motor;
前 言