毕业论文 浅析“数字时代”下摄影记者的职业素质.doc


毕业论文 浅析“数字时代”下摄影记者的职业素质,目录摘要3abstract 3前言4一、传统新闻摄影与“数字时代”新闻摄影的比较4二、“数字时代”摄影记者应具备的基本职业素质 5三、“数字时代”摄影记者应具备的专业素质 71、对数字技术的掌握 72、对新闻图片的真实性提出了新的要求 83、创新能力 10四、结语 12致谢 12参考文献  13浅析“数字时代”下摄影记...
分类: 论文>社会学论文


此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布

目 录

摘要 3
Abstract 3
前言 4
一、传统新闻摄影与“数字时代”新闻摄影的比较 4
二、“数字时代”摄影记者应具备的基本职业素质 5
三、“数字时代”摄影记者应具备的专业素质 7
1、对数字技术的掌握 7
2、对新闻图片的真实性提出了新的要求 8
3、创新能力 10
四、结语 12
致谢 12
参考文献  13

摘 要:
本文关键词: 摄影记者 职业素质 数字时代

Abstract: In the digital age, pictures, words, pictures, news has slowly become a major means of dissemination of the news media. Heading for a substantial increase over the past header text news, today's newspapers, websites replaced by a sharp impact force coupled with the rich picture. For the modern high-intensity, fast-paced way of life and work, people seem to be more receptive to picture the news straightforward. Photo news is with its accessibility, speed, and entertainment caters to audiences, has become a mainstream means of communication in modern society. Photo news in the media, whose importance goes beyondthe previous history of news media at any stage.
The face of the "Digital Age" newspaper, network development, how in the fierce competition to maintain their professional self-cultivation. How to "Dutushidai" great environment to improve their professional qualities. This paper aims to explore the "digital age" under the photographer's professionalism.
Keywords: photographer professional quality digital age