毕业论文 浅析公司的应收账款管理.doc


毕业论文 浅析公司的应收账款管理,摘要在市场经济条件下,存在着激烈的市场竞争。企业为了抢先占领市场、扩大销售,可能会采取赊销方式增加销售收入,致使形成应收账款,甚至形成“三角债”而无法收回。这不仅增加企业的经营成本,还影响着企业的再生产能力,因此对其管理的好坏直接影响到企业营运资金的周转和经济效益。农药行业普遍存在“赊销成风”的现象,如何能及时收回应收...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布

摘 要


Intense market competition exists under the circumstances of the market economy. Enterprises may run credit sales in order to take the leading position and expand its market, which may result in accounts receivable and even form "chain debts" that can't be retrieved. This not only increases the operating costs, but also affects the reproduction ability of enterprises. In conclusion, the management of enterprises has direct influences on the enterprises' operating capital turnover and economic benefits. There is "a fever of credit sales" in pesticide industry, it becomes an urgent affair on how to take back receivable accounts and decrease the loss caused by bad loans. *******Co., LTD is a pesticide industry, problems like weak risk awareness, large-scale credit sales; undemanding management and control within the enterprise; inappropriate sales of overstock; and bad job in managing receivable accounts exist in the management of receivable accounts. To solve the problems above, this paper put forward the following feasible suggestions and countermeasures to help managing receivable accounts and promote economic benefits. The enterprise should strengthen its development in science, technology and research, build the consciousness of capital risk prevention, perfect the daily management of receivable accounts, and enhance the control of receivable accounts inside the enterprise.

Keywords:account receivable management; Pesticide industry;Risk prevention;Internal control

目 录

绪论 1
一、*****公司简介 1
二、农药行业特点分析 3
1.基本特点: 3
2.农药行业“赊销成风” 3
三、*****公司应收账款管理现状 3
(一)应收账款占销售收入的比重大 3
(二)应收账款周转率低,坏账损失巨大 4
(三)应收账款占流动资产比重大,流动资产周转率低 4
(四)应收账款的账龄长,增加坏账风险 5
四、*****公司应收账款管理存在的问题及原因分析 5
(一)企业风险意识不强,盲目赊销 6
(二)公司销售人员片面追求销售量 6
(三)应收账款管理权责不够明确 6
(四)以批次押货销售方式不当 6
(五)信用资信评估薄弱,缺乏规范程序 7
五、加强*****公司应收账款管理的对策 7
(一)加强产品科技研发,逐步由化学农药向生物农药转变 7
(二)树立资金风险意识,加强风险防范 7
1.及时建立信用管理部门 7
2.合理选择货款结算方式, 提高货款到账率 8
3.建立健全企业内部控制制度 8
4.对赊销期较长的应收账款采取特殊防范措施 9
5.严把 “合同关” 9
(三)加强应收账款的内部控制 9
1.应收账款的事前控制 9
2.应收账款的事中控制 11
3.应收账款的事后控制 12
结论 13
致 谢 15
参考文献 16