毕业论文 浅析微博营销利弊及策略分析.doc
毕业论文 浅析微博营销利弊及策略分析,摘要随着互联网技术的发展,微博作为一种新的网络应用形式越来越为人们所熟知,并迅速兴起和流行。微博不仅增添了人际传播的新模式,还开辟了信息传播新的网络媒介。对企业而言,微博正逐渐成为网络营销的新阵地。微博营销是刚刚推出的一个网络营销方式,因为随着微博的火热,既催生了有关的营销方式,就是微博营销。微博营销以微博作为营销平台...

此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
摘 要
随着互联网技术的发展,微博作为一种新的网络应用形式越来越为人们所熟知,并迅速兴起和流行。微博不仅增添了人际传播的新模式,还开辟了信息传播新的网络媒介。对企业而言,微博正逐渐成为网络营销的新阵地。微博营销是刚刚推出的一个网络营销方式,因为随着微博的火热,既催生了有关的营销方式,就是微博营销。微博营销以微博作为营销平台,每一个听众(粉丝)都是潜在营销对象,每个企业都可以在新浪,网易等等注册一个微博,然后利用更新自己的微型博客向网友传播企业、产品的信息,树立良好的企业形象和产品形象。每天的更新的内容就可以跟大家交流,或者有大家所感兴趣的话题,这样就可以达到营销的目的,这样的方式就是新兴推出的微博营销。 因此,对微博的分析探讨具有重要的应用价值和积极意义。所以本文首先对微博的概念、特点、行业分析、发展前途进行回顾,然后对微博营销的涵义、分类、特点、作用、全过程进行分析,找出微博营销存在的问题,最后针对存在的问题归纳出微博主要的营销策略措施。
Along with the Internet technology development, the bo as a new network application form for people place more and more familiar with, and rapidly and popular.The bo not only added a new mode of interpersonal communication, but also opened up a new network information transmission medium. Speaking of the enterprise, the bo is becoming the new network marketing positions. The Po marketing is just launched a network marketing methods, because as the Po's hot, already gave birth to the relevant ways of marketing, was the Po marketing. The Po marketing with small bo as the marketing platform, every listener (fan) are potential target marketing, each enterprise can be in sina, netease and so on registered a micro bo, then use update their tiny blog wrote to spread enterprise, product information, set up the good enterprise image and product image. The daily updated content can communicate with you, or have you are interested in the topic, so that it can achieve the purpose of marketing, which is the launch of the new micro Po marketing. Therefore, to the micro bo paper has important application value and positive significance. So this paper first on the Po's concept, the characteristic, the industry analysis, the future development are reviewed, and then to the micro Po marketing the meaning, classification, characteristics, function, whole process analysis, find out the Po marketing existence question, in view of the existing problems summarized the main marketing strategy of micro bo measures.
Key words: The Po marketing, advantages and disadvantages, marketing measures
目 录
1 前言•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1
1.1 微博简介•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1
1.1.2 微博的行业分析••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4
1.1.3 微博的发展前景••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••6
2 微博营销的涵义及其相关理论•••••••••••••••••••&..
随着互联网技术的发展,微博作为一种新的网络应用形式越来越为人们所熟知,并迅速兴起和流行。微博不仅增添了人际传播的新模式,还开辟了信息传播新的网络媒介。对企业而言,微博正逐渐成为网络营销的新阵地。微博营销是刚刚推出的一个网络营销方式,因为随着微博的火热,既催生了有关的营销方式,就是微博营销。微博营销以微博作为营销平台,每一个听众(粉丝)都是潜在营销对象,每个企业都可以在新浪,网易等等注册一个微博,然后利用更新自己的微型博客向网友传播企业、产品的信息,树立良好的企业形象和产品形象。每天的更新的内容就可以跟大家交流,或者有大家所感兴趣的话题,这样就可以达到营销的目的,这样的方式就是新兴推出的微博营销。 因此,对微博的分析探讨具有重要的应用价值和积极意义。所以本文首先对微博的概念、特点、行业分析、发展前途进行回顾,然后对微博营销的涵义、分类、特点、作用、全过程进行分析,找出微博营销存在的问题,最后针对存在的问题归纳出微博主要的营销策略措施。
Along with the Internet technology development, the bo as a new network application form for people place more and more familiar with, and rapidly and popular.The bo not only added a new mode of interpersonal communication, but also opened up a new network information transmission medium. Speaking of the enterprise, the bo is becoming the new network marketing positions. The Po marketing is just launched a network marketing methods, because as the Po's hot, already gave birth to the relevant ways of marketing, was the Po marketing. The Po marketing with small bo as the marketing platform, every listener (fan) are potential target marketing, each enterprise can be in sina, netease and so on registered a micro bo, then use update their tiny blog wrote to spread enterprise, product information, set up the good enterprise image and product image. The daily updated content can communicate with you, or have you are interested in the topic, so that it can achieve the purpose of marketing, which is the launch of the new micro Po marketing. Therefore, to the micro bo paper has important application value and positive significance. So this paper first on the Po's concept, the characteristic, the industry analysis, the future development are reviewed, and then to the micro Po marketing the meaning, classification, characteristics, function, whole process analysis, find out the Po marketing existence question, in view of the existing problems summarized the main marketing strategy of micro bo measures.
Key words: The Po marketing, advantages and disadvantages, marketing measures
目 录
1 前言•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1
1.1 微博简介•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1
1.1.2 微博的行业分析••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4
1.1.3 微博的发展前景••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••6
2 微博营销的涵义及其相关理论•••••••••••••••••••&..