毕业论文 双车道公路设计一致性软件开发.doc
毕业论文 双车道公路设计一致性软件开发,摘要 道路设计一致性评价是一种用来保障道路安全性能的技术方法。设计一致性是指道路几何线形既不违背驾驶员的期望,又不超越驾驶员安全操作车辆能力极限的特性。从行驶车辆运行特性的角度进行分析,违反驾驶员所预期的几何特性的一个典型特征是在该几何特性附近出现不连贯的运行车速,因此可以认为连贯的运行车速是设计一致性的产物。本文借鉴...

此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
摘要 道路设计一致性评价是一种用来保障道路安全性能的技术方法。设计一致性是指道路几何线形既不违背驾驶员的期望,又不超越驾驶员安全操作车辆能力极限的特性。从行驶车辆运行特性的角度进行分析,违反驾驶员所预期的几何特性的一个典型特征是在该几何特性附近出现不连贯的运行车速,因此可以认为连贯的运行车速是设计一致性的产物。
本文借鉴了美国交互式道路安全设计模型IHSDM,应用运行车速断面图评估法,并结合我国道路的实际情况,建立了我国双车道公路设计一致性评价模型。软件以Visual C++为开发工具,由数据分析、车速断面图输出以及设计一致性评价三个模块构成。软件实现的功能主要是预测路段的运行车速包括平曲线和直线段的车速,以及进入、离开曲线的加减速度长度的预测,并利用TWOPAS预测坡度限制车速,即考虑坡度对车速的影响进行逐点修正,最后通过相邻几何线形区段运行车速的变化梯度△V85和运行车速与设计车速的偏差值V85—Vd两个评价指标来评价道路的安全性能。
关键词:双车道公路 设计一致性 运行车速 期望车速 安全评价
Two-lane highway design consistency of software development
Abstract Road design consistency of assessment is a technical method that is used to protect road safety. Design Consistency means that the road’s alignment Condition neither against the expectations of the driver, nor exceed the safe operation of the vehicle capacity limit. From the perspective of operating the vehicles, a typical characteristic which beyond the driver’s expectation of the alignment Condition characteristics in the vicinity where there is a incoherent operation speed, so that the continuity of the operation speed is a product of design consistency.
By studying the United States Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM), the article uses speed profile model, combined with the actual situation of China's roads, establishing China's two-lane highway design eva luation model of design consistency. The software developed by Visual C++, which is composed of three modules: data analysis, speed profile model output and design consistency of eva luation The main function is predicting operation speed, including the speed of simple curve and tangent, besides predicting leaving the curve length of acceleration or deceleration, and predicting grade-limited speed using the TWOPAS that is to consider the effect of the grade on speed to modify the speed by point , finally eva luating the safety of the road by two indicators V85-Vd and △V85
At present, there has not put much importance on road alignment of the two-lane highway effecting traffic safety in China, the development of two-lane highway design consistency software, which produce much value on alignment design and safety eva luation of the two-lane highway, the eva luation can be run through the design and operation of road projects in various stages, which will reduce two-lane highway traffic accidents, reduce economic losses, to improve traffic safety and enhance national economic development.
Key words Two-lane highway design consistency operation speed desire speed safety eva luate
目 录
第一章 概 述 1
1.1 我国公路交通安全状况和特点 1
1.2 我国双车道公路安全状况 2
1.3 道路条件与交通安全 3
1.4 研究内容及意义 4
1.4.1 研究内容 4
1.4.2 研究意义 5
第二章 设计一致性理论及分析方法 6
2.1 设计一致性分析方法 6
2.1.1国外研究现状 7
2.1.2 国内研究现状 11
2.2 车速一致性理论分析 12
2.2.1 车速理论概述 12
2.2.2 Vd、V85与Ve三者间的关系分析 13
2.3 车速断面图评估法 14
第三章 设计一致性软件开发及应用 17
3.1 开发背景 17
3.2 软件算法设计 18
3.3 软件编制 24
3.4 实例分析 26
3.4.1 试验路段概况及设计资料 26
3.4.2 评价结果分析 27
结 论 30
致 谢 31
参考文献: 32
本文借鉴了美国交互式道路安全设计模型IHSDM,应用运行车速断面图评估法,并结合我国道路的实际情况,建立了我国双车道公路设计一致性评价模型。软件以Visual C++为开发工具,由数据分析、车速断面图输出以及设计一致性评价三个模块构成。软件实现的功能主要是预测路段的运行车速包括平曲线和直线段的车速,以及进入、离开曲线的加减速度长度的预测,并利用TWOPAS预测坡度限制车速,即考虑坡度对车速的影响进行逐点修正,最后通过相邻几何线形区段运行车速的变化梯度△V85和运行车速与设计车速的偏差值V85—Vd两个评价指标来评价道路的安全性能。
关键词:双车道公路 设计一致性 运行车速 期望车速 安全评价
Two-lane highway design consistency of software development
Abstract Road design consistency of assessment is a technical method that is used to protect road safety. Design Consistency means that the road’s alignment Condition neither against the expectations of the driver, nor exceed the safe operation of the vehicle capacity limit. From the perspective of operating the vehicles, a typical characteristic which beyond the driver’s expectation of the alignment Condition characteristics in the vicinity where there is a incoherent operation speed, so that the continuity of the operation speed is a product of design consistency.
By studying the United States Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM), the article uses speed profile model, combined with the actual situation of China's roads, establishing China's two-lane highway design eva luation model of design consistency. The software developed by Visual C++, which is composed of three modules: data analysis, speed profile model output and design consistency of eva luation The main function is predicting operation speed, including the speed of simple curve and tangent, besides predicting leaving the curve length of acceleration or deceleration, and predicting grade-limited speed using the TWOPAS that is to consider the effect of the grade on speed to modify the speed by point , finally eva luating the safety of the road by two indicators V85-Vd and △V85
At present, there has not put much importance on road alignment of the two-lane highway effecting traffic safety in China, the development of two-lane highway design consistency software, which produce much value on alignment design and safety eva luation of the two-lane highway, the eva luation can be run through the design and operation of road projects in various stages, which will reduce two-lane highway traffic accidents, reduce economic losses, to improve traffic safety and enhance national economic development.
Key words Two-lane highway design consistency operation speed desire speed safety eva luate
目 录
第一章 概 述 1
1.1 我国公路交通安全状况和特点 1
1.2 我国双车道公路安全状况 2
1.3 道路条件与交通安全 3
1.4 研究内容及意义 4
1.4.1 研究内容 4
1.4.2 研究意义 5
第二章 设计一致性理论及分析方法 6
2.1 设计一致性分析方法 6
2.1.1国外研究现状 7
2.1.2 国内研究现状 11
2.2 车速一致性理论分析 12
2.2.1 车速理论概述 12
2.2.2 Vd、V85与Ve三者间的关系分析 13
2.3 车速断面图评估法 14
第三章 设计一致性软件开发及应用 17
3.1 开发背景 17
3.2 软件算法设计 18
3.3 软件编制 24
3.4 实例分析 26
3.4.1 试验路段概况及设计资料 26
3.4.2 评价结果分析 27
结 论 30
致 谢 31
参考文献: 32