

略谈网络安全技术,《》页数:18;字数:8600字。摘 要文中就信息网络安全内涵发生的根本变化,阐述我国发展民族信息安全体系的重要性及建立有中国特色的网络安全体系的必要性。论述了网络防火墙安全技术的分类及其主要技术特征。文中论述了防火墙部署原则,并从防火墙部署的位置详细阐述了防火墙的选择标准。并就信息交换加密技术的分类及...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 多快好省 发布


摘 要
关键词: 网络安全 防火墙 PKI技术 技术特征

In the article the radical change which occurs on the information network security connotation, elaborated our country develops the nationality information security system importance and the establishment has the Chinese characteristic the network security system necessity. Elaborated the network firewall security technology classification and its the main technical characteristic. In the article elaborated the firewall deployment principle, and the position which deployed from the firewall in detail elaborated the firewall choice standard. And does on the exchange of information encryption technology classification and the RSA algorithm by analyzes, in view of the PKI technology this information security core technology, elaborated its security system constitution. Discussed slightly the humanity from the past time to the present network so developed time, network time development some characteristics, the technology, the information network time, the information becomes the important economical resources. This is the so-called knowledge economy: "although all economic system all is the establishment above the knowledge foundation, but formerly has not been included the cost, only then the becoming an information based society time, this kind of resources only then become the main resources. It may share, may multiply; May the unlimited creation. Knowledge substitution capital: The human capital money capital is more important than ", to and from as simply comes as difficulty big side some technologies to everybody elaboration network some simple technologies, then to some difficulty big technologies. From network several major characteristics, the information security is an important question which the national development faces, the firewall, the firewall choice, and so on discusses the network technology.
Keyword: Online security, Fire wall ,PKI technological, characteristic
目 录
前 言 ………………………………………………………………………1
第一章 防火墙 …………………………………………………………2
第二章 防火墙选 ………………………………………………………3
2.1 选择防火墙的标准 ……………………………………………3
2.2 防火墙本身是安全的 …………………………………………3
2.3 管理与培训 ………………………………………………………4
2.4 可 扩 性…………………………………………………………4
第三章 防火墙的安全性………………………………………………5
3.1 包过滤型 ………………………………………………………5
3.2 网络地址转化—NAT ……………………………………………6
3.3 代理型……………………………………………………………6
3.3 监测型……………………………………………………………7
第四章 加密技术 ………………………………………………………8
4.1 对称加密技术 ……………………………………………………8
4.2 非对密/公开加密 ………………………………………………9
4.3 RSA 算法……………………………………………………………9
4.4 PKI 技术…………………………………………………………10
4.5 认证机构…………………………………………………………10
4.6 注册机构…………………………………………………………11
4.7 策略管理…………………………………………………………11
4.8 密钥备份和恢复…………………………………………………11
4.9 证书管理与撤消系统……………………………………………11
4.10 安全技术的研究现状和动向……………………………………12
致  谢……………………………………………………………………13

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