三环减速器齿轮副有限元模型,摘 要三环减速器是中国科技人员发明的一种少齿差内啮合行星齿轮传动装置,其传动原理新颖,一般用于动力传动,具有体积小、传动比大、寿命长、成本低等优点,还具有内齿多齿啮合的特点,有较高的承载能力、较大的过载性能。因此,这种传动越来越多地应用于冶金、起重运输、矿山、环保、建筑等领域。三环传动在足够大...
此文档由会员 wztytt1212 发布三环减速器齿轮副有限元模型
摘 要
本文以三环减速器齿轮副有限元模型为研究对象,先使用Pro/E Wildfire3.0进行三维建模,然后利用有限单元法对三环减速器多齿啮合效应进行分析,得到三环减速器传动时的实际接触齿数、啮合齿载荷分配情况以及 Von Mises 应力变化规律。
关键词:三环减速器 有限元分析 ABAQUS软件应用 Pro/E三维造型设计
Three-Ring Reducer is one of inventions of Chinese scientists and engineers. It is a kind of planetary gear transmission with few tooth differences and is commonly used for power transmission. It has many advantages such as small size, large transmission ratio, long life, low production cost, multi-tooth meshing, high loading capacity, large overload performance. Therefore, It has been more and more applied in metallurgy, lifting transportation, mining, environmental protection, construction, and other fields. When there is enough load, the real mesh teeth number of Three-Ring transmission is larger than the theoretical mesh number.. It greatly improved the carrying capacity of gear pair. Multiple teeth engagement leads the carrying capacity greatly enhanced. We call the phenomenon during the engagement process multi-teeth engagement effect. But up till the present moment, every manufacturer has not take it into consideration yet during the design stage. The reducer’s carrying capacity in the product design worksheet is far below the actual load capacity. It waste a lot. So it is significant to take multi-teeth engagement effect into consideration. It can reveal the essence of the huge carrying capacity of Three-Ring Reducer. It can help enhancing the carrying capacity of the Three-Ring Reducer, shortening the design dimension and reducing the manufacture cost.
This article set the finite element model of the Three-Ring Reducer gear pair as the object of study. The first step is modeling by using the Pro/E Wildfire 3.0, then analyses the Three-Ring Reducer multi-teeth engagement effect though finite element method. Then we can get the actual mesh tooth number during the Three-Ring Reducer transmission and the condition of load contribution of meshing tooth. We can also get the regulation of Von Mises stress changing.
This article refer to the elasticity of all the component of Three-Ring Reducer. It also concern the building of Three-Ring Reducer finite element model and realize static analysis of the Three-Ring Reducer by using the model. By using the finite element software of ABAQUS ,it calculated the stress and distortion in the cycle of transmission, it validated the correctness of finite element model.
The content of this article can be applied to the design and manufacture of the product in the factory. It lay the foundation for the study and application of ring-plate-type gear transmission. Besides, design and analysis cycle can be shortened and design costs can be reduced in a certain extent. Chinese enterprises can greatly enhance the design level, the ability of independent innovation, and the production competitiveness. Thus, the enterprises will generate considerable economics and social benefits.
Key words: Three-Ring Reducer Finite Element Analysis ABAQUS application Pro/E Three-dimensional design
目 录
摘 要 1
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题研究的内容与意义 1
1.1.1课题研究的内容 1
1.1.2课题研究的意义 1
1.2三环减速器的现状和发展趋势 2
1.2.1国内外三环减速器的发展历史 2
1.2.2三环减速器的研究现状 3
1.2.3三环减速器的发展趋势 5
本章小结 6
第二章 三环减速器简介 7
2.1三环减速器基本结构 7
2.2三环减速器的工作原理 9
2.3三环减速器基本参数 11
2.4三环减速器齿轮的校核 12
2.5三环减速器传动的优点及存在的主要问题 14
本章小结 15
第三章 Pro/E Wildfire 3.0 建模 16
3.1基于Pro/E 的实体造型技术特点 16
3.1.1基于特征的(Feature-Based) 16
3.1.2基于参数化的(Parametric-based) 16
3.1.3全数据相关性(Full Associative) 16
3.2 Pro/E在实际应用中的缺点 17
3.3 三环减速器主要部件Pro/E造型 17
3.3.1轴类零件造型 17
3.3.2齿轮零件的创建 19
3.3.3轴承零件的创建 22
3.4三环减速器主要零件的装配 24
3.4.1偏心套部分的装配 24
3.4.2支撑轴部分的装配 25
3.4.3输出轴部分的装配 27
3.4.4三环减速器的整体装配 29
本章小结 32
第四章 有限元单元法与ABAQUS软件简介 33
4.1有限单元法基础 33
4.1.1有限单元法 33
4.1.2有限单元法的特点 33
4.1.3有限单元法解的特点 34
4.1.4有限单元法的分析过程 34
4.1.5有限单元法发展历史和发展趋势 35
4.2关于ABAQUS 37
4.2.1 ABAQUS软件简介 37
4.2.2 ABAQUS接触分析 38
本章小结 39
第五章 三环减速器齿轮副多齿啮合特性的有限元分析 40
5.1三环减速器齿轮副实体模型的建立 40
5.2有限元网格的划分 42
5.3边界条件的确定和载荷的施加 44
5.3.1 接触的定义 44
5.3.2 施加载荷和约束 45
5.4三环减速器齿轮副接触应力分析 46
5.5齿轮副Mises应力和弯曲应力分析 48
5.6有限元分析结果与理论计算结果的对比 49
本章小结 51
谢 辞 52
参考文献 53