此文档由会员 panhaoran0714 发布螺旋千斤顶设计及其主要零件加工
关键字:千斤顶 、螺旋传动、AuctoCAD、Pro/E
As the spiral jack is a kind of lifting equipment ,besides ,it has small size portability ,and low cost ,so it is widely used in our daily life
Spiral jack is consist with screw , nut ,handle , base , large bevel gear , rundlet gears ,rack ,ratchet set ,lifting the sleeve and other parts . It is most important to calculate the spiral driven and design and selection for the parts ,in this design process ;what is more ,used the knowledge of mechanical design ,in addition to used CAD tools such as AutoCAD Pro/E and so on
This article described the whole process of its design from the spiral jack design to the selection of components and other aspects .It was precisely calculated because it used a large number of scientific processing theory and formula , especially in process planning . In the spiral transmission part , through the calculation of wear resistance , stability check of the screw , the calculation of the nut thread teeth ,self-locking of the check and variety of strength calculation .through a variety of scientific calculations the screw jack designed will meet the actual demand .In this design ,we used Pro/E to design a number of parts and transmission of three-dimensional modeling , it clearly show the various parts of the shape and structure .
Keywords; spiral , screw transmission AutoCAD , Pro/E
摘要 1
目录 3
设计任务书 5
1绪论 7
1.1千斤顶的发展状况 7
1.2 千斤顶的概述 9
1.3千斤顶的种类及应用 10
2金属材料的分析及选用原则 11
2.1金属材料的分析 12
2.2 金属材料的选用原则 14
3千斤顶材料的选择及主要零件的加工工艺 15
3.1千斤顶主要零件材料选择以及加工工艺 17
3.2托杯、底座和手柄材料的选择 20
3.3螺母和螺杆材料的选择 21
4 主要零件的参数设置及加工路径分析 21
4.1概述 21
4.2杆类零件的材料、毛坯及热处理 22
4.2.1杆类零件的材料 22
4.2.2杆类零件的热处理 22
5工艺装备的选择 23
5.1夹具的选择 23
5.2刀具的选择 24
5.2.1刀具材料的基本要求 25
5.2.2常用的刀具材料 26
5.3量具的选择 27
5.4切削用量的选择 28
5.4.1对加工质量的影响 28
5.4.2对刀具寿命的影响 28
5.4.3对加工时间的影响 29
5.4 进给路线的确定 31
5.5加工顺序的确定 33
5.5.1加工阶段的划分 33
5.5.2划分加工阶段的原因: 34
5.6 车螺纹时的主轴转速的确定 38
5.7加工余量的确定 39
6螺纹类型的确定 40
6.1螺纹的选择 40
7零件尺寸的计算 42
7.1螺杆 42
7.1.1螺杆直径及螺纹的计算 42
7.1.2自锁性的验证 43
7.1.3螺杆强度的验证 43
7.1.4螺杆稳定性的验证 44
7.1.5螺杆柔度 45
7.2螺母 46
7.2.1螺母设计与计算 46
7.2.2螺母螺纹牙的强度计算 46
7.2.3安装要求 47
7.3托杯的尺寸计算 47
7.4手柄 49
7.4.1手柄的设计与计算 49
7.4.2结构 49
7.5底座设计 50
8千斤顶使用说明 51
8.1千斤顶的工作原理 51
8.2千斤顶的使用注意事项 52
致 谢 54
参考文献 55
1、最大起重量F = 40kN;
2、最大升距H =200mm;