毕业论文 ao工艺(即厌氧—好氧工艺)处理城市生活污水.doc
毕业论文 ao工艺(即厌氧—好氧工艺)处理城市生活污水,目录目录1摘要2abstract3第一章 绪论41.1概述41.2城市污水的来源及水质41.3废水处理的方法51.3.1物理处理法51.3.2化学处理法61.3.3物化处理法71.3.4生化处理法71.4城市污水处理的现状7第二章 工艺论证82.1城市生活污水处理工艺途径9第三章 设计计算163.1.1平均流量的计算1...
此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
目录 1
摘要 2
Abstract 3
第一章 绪论 4
1.1概述 4
1.2城市污水的来源及水质 4
1.3废水处理的方法 5
1.3.1物理处理法 5
1.3.2化学处理法 6
1.3.3物化处理法 7
1.3.4生化处理法 7
1.4城市污水处理的现状 7
第二章 工艺论证 8
2.1城市生活污水处理工艺途径 9
第三章 设计计算 16
3.1.1平均流量的计算 17
3.1.2粗格栅的计算 17
3.2沉砂池的计算 19
3.3调节池的计算 21
3.4厌氧塘 22
3.5中沉池 26
3.6生物接触氧化池 27
3.7接触沉淀池计算 31
参考文献 35
在处理过程中,污水通过厌氧塘和生物接触氧化池这两个重要工艺段,分别进行厌氧—好氧处理。在厌氧段中,厌氧塘的结构采用了UASB反应器的一些结构形式, 再加上布水器具有促使污泥与原有有机物充分混合的作用,使得厌氧程度得到进一步加深。处理水质为:CODcr浓度为200mg/l;BOD5浓度为180mg/;SS浓度为50mg/l.在好氧段中,生物接触池采用二段式的生物接触氧化池.污水经过两次氧化池,两次沉淀池交替作用,去除率可达到:CODcr为82%;BOD5为88%;SS为50%.最终出水指标为:CODcr浓度为55mg/l;BOD5浓度为15mg/l;SS浓度为10mg/l,该出水水质已达到国家一级B类排放标准.
关键字:城市生活污水 A/O工艺 厌氧塘 生物接触氧化池
This design uses A / O process (that is anaerobic - aerobic process) treatment of municipal sewage, the handling capacity of 22000m3 / d. The treatment of raw water quality for the high concentration of water quality, water quality indicators: CODcr300mg / l; BOD of 250mg /l; SS concentration of 260mg / l.
. In dealing with the preceding paragraph, sewage aeration grit chamber aeration pre-treatment process for follow-up to reduce the processing load. Water removal can be achieved: BOD5 is 22%; CODcr of 20%; SS was 10%.
In the process, the sewage through anaerobic pond and bio-contact oxidation pond section of these two important processes, namely, anaerobic - aerobic treatment.In the anaerobic section, the anaerobic pond the structure of UASB reactor using a number of structural forms, coupled with cloth water traps have prompted well-mixed sludge and the original role of organic matter, making the extent of anaerobic to be further deepened.Deal with water quality: CODcr concentration of 200mg / l; BOD5 concentration of 180mg /; SS concentration of 50mg / l. In the aerobic segment, the bio-contact tank with two-stage biological contact oxidation tank. Effluent after two oxidation ponds,the role of the two sedimentation basins alternately, the removal can be achieved: CODcr of 82%; BOD5 of 88%; SS is 50%. the ultimate water indicators: CODcr concentration of 55mg / l; BOD5 concentration of 15mg / l; SS concentration10mg / l, the effluent quality has reached the national level, Class B emissions standards.
Keyword: urban domestic sewage ;A / O process anaerobic pond; bio-contact oxidation pond
目录 1
摘要 2
Abstract 3
第一章 绪论 4
1.1概述 4
1.2城市污水的来源及水质 4
1.3废水处理的方法 5
1.3.1物理处理法 5
1.3.2化学处理法 6
1.3.3物化处理法 7
1.3.4生化处理法 7
1.4城市污水处理的现状 7
第二章 工艺论证 8
2.1城市生活污水处理工艺途径 9
第三章 设计计算 16
3.1.1平均流量的计算 17
3.1.2粗格栅的计算 17
3.2沉砂池的计算 19
3.3调节池的计算 21
3.4厌氧塘 22
3.5中沉池 26
3.6生物接触氧化池 27
3.7接触沉淀池计算 31
参考文献 35
在处理过程中,污水通过厌氧塘和生物接触氧化池这两个重要工艺段,分别进行厌氧—好氧处理。在厌氧段中,厌氧塘的结构采用了UASB反应器的一些结构形式, 再加上布水器具有促使污泥与原有有机物充分混合的作用,使得厌氧程度得到进一步加深。处理水质为:CODcr浓度为200mg/l;BOD5浓度为180mg/;SS浓度为50mg/l.在好氧段中,生物接触池采用二段式的生物接触氧化池.污水经过两次氧化池,两次沉淀池交替作用,去除率可达到:CODcr为82%;BOD5为88%;SS为50%.最终出水指标为:CODcr浓度为55mg/l;BOD5浓度为15mg/l;SS浓度为10mg/l,该出水水质已达到国家一级B类排放标准.
关键字:城市生活污水 A/O工艺 厌氧塘 生物接触氧化池
This design uses A / O process (that is anaerobic - aerobic process) treatment of municipal sewage, the handling capacity of 22000m3 / d. The treatment of raw water quality for the high concentration of water quality, water quality indicators: CODcr300mg / l; BOD of 250mg /l; SS concentration of 260mg / l.
. In dealing with the preceding paragraph, sewage aeration grit chamber aeration pre-treatment process for follow-up to reduce the processing load. Water removal can be achieved: BOD5 is 22%; CODcr of 20%; SS was 10%.
In the process, the sewage through anaerobic pond and bio-contact oxidation pond section of these two important processes, namely, anaerobic - aerobic treatment.In the anaerobic section, the anaerobic pond the structure of UASB reactor using a number of structural forms, coupled with cloth water traps have prompted well-mixed sludge and the original role of organic matter, making the extent of anaerobic to be further deepened.Deal with water quality: CODcr concentration of 200mg / l; BOD5 concentration of 180mg /; SS concentration of 50mg / l. In the aerobic segment, the bio-contact tank with two-stage biological contact oxidation tank. Effluent after two oxidation ponds,the role of the two sedimentation basins alternately, the removal can be achieved: CODcr of 82%; BOD5 of 88%; SS is 50%. the ultimate water indicators: CODcr concentration of 55mg / l; BOD5 concentration of 15mg / l; SS concentration10mg / l, the effluent quality has reached the national level, Class B emissions standards.
Keyword: urban domestic sewage ;A / O process anaerobic pond; bio-contact oxidation pond
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