毕业设计 锦州至朝阳一级公路线路综合设计.rar
毕业设计 锦州至朝阳一级公路线路综合设计,摘 要本设计是根据设计任务书的要求及其公路桥梁的相关规范的规定,对锦朝级公路综合设计进行方案必选、平面主线设计、纵断面设计、横断面设计、路面结构设计及桥梁设计,并进行计算绘图。本设计公路等级为一级,设计车速100km/h,双向六车道。设计中主要包括以下几个阶段:1、选线:锦朝一级公路综合设计 k0+000~k4+347...

原文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
摘 要
1、选线:锦朝一级公路综合设计 K0+000~K4+347.913,根据其走向,从地形图上另选一条线路,考虑尽量不占或少占经济田和少拆迁的选线原则,并且进行了方案的比选。设计线形满足规范要求。
关键词: 主线平面设计、纵断面、横断面、路面结构设计、施工组织设计、报价计算设计、桥梁设计。
This design is according to the design project description request and the highway bridge related standard stipulation, Shen Liao to design a comprehensive program of road will be elected、the longitudinal section design, the cross section design, the pavement structure design and the bridge design, and carries on the computation cartography. This design highway classification for first-level, design vehicle speed 100km/h, two-way six lanes.
In the design mainly includes the following several stages:
1、Route selection: Liaoning Shenyang highway level integrated design K0 +000~ K4 +347.913, according to its trend, Chooses a line in addition from the topographic diagram, considered that does not occupy or little occupies the route selection principle which as far as possible economy Tian Heshao relocate, and carried on the plan ratio to elect. Designs linear satisfies the code requirement.
2、Master line plane design: 4.347.913km long line in this election, three points on the road, intersection radius of 750m, 800m, 1200m.
3、Longitudinal section design: Considered that satisfied draining water the smallest lengthwise grade request to carry on the route longitudinal section design. The entire line altogether has three changes the slope spot, Radius of 12000m, 25000m, 55000m;
4、Cross section design: Take the station number as the fundamental point, has carried on the cross section design, the grade location table design, the cubic meter of earth and stone computation, the draining water plane design and so on.
5、Pavement structure design: Uses the means which the handwork and the procedure unify to carry on the pavement structure design.
6、Budget: Has established in the hole scope the roadbed and the road surface part budget document.
7、Bridge design: Mainly has carried on the bridge superstructure and the reinforcing bars computation and the checking calculation.
The majority of blueprints use the CAD plan, the partial data use EXCEL to calculate.
Key word: Master line plane design, longitudinal section, cross section, pavement structure design, Construction of organizational design, pricing calculation of designbridge design.
目 录
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第一章 前 言 1
1.1项目建设的意义 1
1.2项目建设的理由 1
1.3沿线自然条件 1
1.4路线设计思路 2
1.5路线设计标准 2
1.6路线设计指导 3
1.6.1路线 3
1.6.2路基、路面及排水 3
1.6.3桥涵 5
第二章 公路平面设计 6
2.1平原地区选线原则 6
2.1.2线形与技术标准 6
2.1.3处理好于农业的关系 6
2.1.4路线与城镇的联系 7
2.1.5路线与桥位的配合 7
2.1.6注意土壤水文条件 7
2.1.7正确处理新、旧路的关系 7
2.2山岭重丘区选线原则 8
2.3路线方案比选的评价指标 10
2.4 平面选线设计 13
2.4.1公路等级的确定 13
2.4.2一级公路的主要技术指标 14
2.4.3 带有缓和曲线的平曲线计算公式 15
2.4.4 路线曲线要素计算 16
第三章 纵断面设计 20
3.1 纵断面设计方法与原则 20
3.2 平纵线形的协调 20
3.3 竖曲线计算 21
3.3.1 简述 21
3.3.2 竖曲线设计 22
第四章 横断面设计 24
4.1 横断面的组成 24
4.1.1 横断面的组成 24
4.1.2 路基的类型 24
4.1.3 横断面设计综述 25
4.2 横坡的确定 25
4.2.1路拱坡度 25
4.2.2路肩坡度 25
4.3 弯道的超高和加宽 26
4.3.1 超高及超高缓和段 26
4.3.2超高值的计算 27
4.3.3 加宽 29
4.4 土石方数量计算与土石方调配 30
4.4.1 横断面面积的计算 30
4.4.2 路基土石方工程数量的计算 31
4.4.3 土石方调配 31
第五章 路基路面排水设计 33
5.1 路基路面排水的一般原则 33
5.2 路面排水设备 33
5.2.1 边沟 33
5.2.2 排水沟 34
5.3 涵洞的设置 34
5.3.1 选定桥涵位置及桥涵类型 34
5.3.2 桥涵形式的选择 35
第六章 路面结构设计 37
6.1 路面类型的选定 37
6.2 路面结构的计算及验算 37
第七章混凝土简支空心板桥设计 42
7.1 桥梁设计程序及内容 42
7.2设计资料 43
7.3 主要材料 45
7.4 设计要点 45
7.5设计依据及规范 45
1、选线:锦朝一级公路综合设计 K0+000~K4+347.913,根据其走向,从地形图上另选一条线路,考虑尽量不占或少占经济田和少拆迁的选线原则,并且进行了方案的比选。设计线形满足规范要求。
关键词: 主线平面设计、纵断面、横断面、路面结构设计、施工组织设计、报价计算设计、桥梁设计。
This design is according to the design project description request and the highway bridge related standard stipulation, Shen Liao to design a comprehensive program of road will be elected、the longitudinal section design, the cross section design, the pavement structure design and the bridge design, and carries on the computation cartography. This design highway classification for first-level, design vehicle speed 100km/h, two-way six lanes.
In the design mainly includes the following several stages:
1、Route selection: Liaoning Shenyang highway level integrated design K0 +000~ K4 +347.913, according to its trend, Chooses a line in addition from the topographic diagram, considered that does not occupy or little occupies the route selection principle which as far as possible economy Tian Heshao relocate, and carried on the plan ratio to elect. Designs linear satisfies the code requirement.
2、Master line plane design: 4.347.913km long line in this election, three points on the road, intersection radius of 750m, 800m, 1200m.
3、Longitudinal section design: Considered that satisfied draining water the smallest lengthwise grade request to carry on the route longitudinal section design. The entire line altogether has three changes the slope spot, Radius of 12000m, 25000m, 55000m;
4、Cross section design: Take the station number as the fundamental point, has carried on the cross section design, the grade location table design, the cubic meter of earth and stone computation, the draining water plane design and so on.
5、Pavement structure design: Uses the means which the handwork and the procedure unify to carry on the pavement structure design.
6、Budget: Has established in the hole scope the roadbed and the road surface part budget document.
7、Bridge design: Mainly has carried on the bridge superstructure and the reinforcing bars computation and the checking calculation.
The majority of blueprints use the CAD plan, the partial data use EXCEL to calculate.
Key word: Master line plane design, longitudinal section, cross section, pavement structure design, Construction of organizational design, pricing calculation of designbridge design.
目 录
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第一章 前 言 1
1.1项目建设的意义 1
1.2项目建设的理由 1
1.3沿线自然条件 1
1.4路线设计思路 2
1.5路线设计标准 2
1.6路线设计指导 3
1.6.1路线 3
1.6.2路基、路面及排水 3
1.6.3桥涵 5
第二章 公路平面设计 6
2.1平原地区选线原则 6
2.1.2线形与技术标准 6
2.1.3处理好于农业的关系 6
2.1.4路线与城镇的联系 7
2.1.5路线与桥位的配合 7
2.1.6注意土壤水文条件 7
2.1.7正确处理新、旧路的关系 7
2.2山岭重丘区选线原则 8
2.3路线方案比选的评价指标 10
2.4 平面选线设计 13
2.4.1公路等级的确定 13
2.4.2一级公路的主要技术指标 14
2.4.3 带有缓和曲线的平曲线计算公式 15
2.4.4 路线曲线要素计算 16
第三章 纵断面设计 20
3.1 纵断面设计方法与原则 20
3.2 平纵线形的协调 20
3.3 竖曲线计算 21
3.3.1 简述 21
3.3.2 竖曲线设计 22
第四章 横断面设计 24
4.1 横断面的组成 24
4.1.1 横断面的组成 24
4.1.2 路基的类型 24
4.1.3 横断面设计综述 25
4.2 横坡的确定 25
4.2.1路拱坡度 25
4.2.2路肩坡度 25
4.3 弯道的超高和加宽 26
4.3.1 超高及超高缓和段 26
4.3.2超高值的计算 27
4.3.3 加宽 29
4.4 土石方数量计算与土石方调配 30
4.4.1 横断面面积的计算 30
4.4.2 路基土石方工程数量的计算 31
4.4.3 土石方调配 31
第五章 路基路面排水设计 33
5.1 路基路面排水的一般原则 33
5.2 路面排水设备 33
5.2.1 边沟 33
5.2.2 排水沟 34
5.3 涵洞的设置 34
5.3.1 选定桥涵位置及桥涵类型 34
5.3.2 桥涵形式的选择 35
第六章 路面结构设计 37
6.1 路面类型的选定 37
6.2 路面结构的计算及验算 37
第七章混凝土简支空心板桥设计 42
7.1 桥梁设计程序及内容 42
7.2设计资料 43
7.3 主要材料 45
7.4 设计要点 45
7.5设计依据及规范 45