毕业论文 uc3842的开关电源设.doc


毕业论文 uc3842的开关电源设,摘要电源是实现电能变换和功率传递的主要设备。在信息时代,农业、能源、交通运输、通信等领域迅猛发展,对电影产业提出个更多、更高的要求,如节能、节材、减重、环保、安全、可靠等。这就迫使电源工作者不断的探索寻求各种乡关技术,做出最好的电源产品,以满足各行各业的要求。开关电源是一种新型的电源设备,较之于传统的线性电源,其技术含...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布

摘 要





Power is to achieve power conversion and power transmission major equipment. In the information age, agriculture, energy, transportation, communications and other areas Power of the film industry make a greater and higher requirements,such as energy, materials, weight reduction, environmental protection, safety and reliability. This has forced the power workers have been exploring the technology for a variety of rural customs, the power to make the best products to meet the requirements of all walks of life. Switching power supply is a new type of power supply, compared to traditional linear power supply, high technology, low energy consumption, easy to use, and has achieved good economic results.
UC3842 is an excellent current-controlled pulse width modulator. If for some reason, the output voltage increases, the pulse width modulator drive signal will change the pulse width, that is, the duty cycle D, so that the average voltage drop after the chopper to achieve the regulator end, and vice versa how ever.UC3842 can control direct drive MOS, IGBT, etc., suitable for the production of 20 ~ 80W low-power switching power supply. As the device is cleverly designed, launched by the main power supply voltage directly to form circuit components required for a small, very consistent with circuit design, "simplicity first" principle.

KEY WORDS: Switching Power Supply,uc3842,PWM,power,IGBT

目 录

前 言 1
第1章 开关电源的简介 2
1.1 开关电源概述 2
1.1.1 开关电源的工作原理 2
1.1.2 开关电源的组成 3
1.1.3 开关电源的特点 4
1.2 开关器件 4
1.2.1开关器件的特征 4
1.2.2器件TL431. 5
1.2.3电力二极管 6
1.2.4光耦PC817 6
1.2.5电力场效应晶体管MOSFET 7
第2章 主要开关变换电路 9
2.1 滤波电路 9
2.2 反馈电路 9
2.2.1电流反馈电路 9
2.2.2电压反馈电路 10
2.3电压保护电路 10
第3章 UC3842 12
3.1 UC3842简介 12
3.1.1 UC3842的引脚及其功能 12
3.1.2 UC3842的内部结构 13
3.1.3 UC3842的使用特点 14
3.2 UC3842的典型应用电路 15
3.2.1反激式开关电源 15
3.2.2 UC3842控制的同步整流电路 16
3.2.3升压型开关电源 19
第4章 利用UC3842设计小功率电源 21
4.1 电源设计指标 21
4.1.1元件的选择 21
4.1.2电路结构的选择 23
4.2 启动电路 23
4.3 PWM脉冲控制驱动电路 24
4.4 直流输出与反馈电路 25
4.5 总体电路图分析 26
结 论 28
参考文献 29
致 谢 30
附 录1:总体电路图 31
附 录2:开关电源常用英文标志与缩写 32
外文资料译文 33