毕业论文 浅析财务管理的目标.doc
毕业论文 浅析财务管理的目标,摘 要 财务管理是企业管理的重要组成部分,渗透到企业的各个领域、环节之中。财务管理直接关系到企业的生存与发展,从某种意义上说,它是企业可持续发展的一个关键。 在计划经济时代,我国的企业管理与财务管理不是以追求企业效益为目标,收益分配是按劳分配口号下的平均主义。党的十四届三中全会明确提出了国有企业的改革方向,要求建立现...

此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
摘 要
关键词:财务管理特征 ; 会计人员素质; 财务管理目标
Financial control is the business administration important component, in the field , link seeping through each to enterprise. Financial affairs is managed being related to enterprise's directly existing and developing, from some say on species significance it is a key of enterprise sustainable development. Depending on planned economy times , business administration and financial control of our country is not to take running after performance of enterprises as target , the distribution of income is to distribute the equalitarianism under the slogan according to one's performance. The third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee makes the reformation direction having brought forward state-owned enterprise clear , requires that the business administration establishing a modern enterprise system and putting science into practice composes in reply financial control. In knowledge-base economy times , the enterprise financing activities per one are to initiated , handled and managed by person equally, how also main depends on people's knowledge composes in reply wisdom and personal it's effect effort degree. Enterprise financial control must set up "people-oriented " thought , build the combination of responsibility , authority and benefit financial affairs operating mechanism , strengthen the excitation and constraint to person, enthusiasm , initiative moving a people's sufficiently compose in reply creativeness. This is that enterprise carries out financing activities smooth but effective , the foundation attaining financial control's objectives ensures that.
Keywords: Financialaffairscharacteristics of management , Accountant quality , Financial control target
目 录
摘 要 2
Abstract 3
目 录 4
1 引言 5
1.1财务管理目标 5
1.2确立合理的财务管理目标 5
1.3企业理财活动所希望实现的结果 5
1.4企业财务管理目标决定于企业管理活动与目标 6
2 确定企业财务管理目标的意义 6
2.1激励和约束作用 6
2.2指导和评价作用 6
2.3桥梁作用 6
2.4几种财务管理目标的比较分析 7
3 现阶段我国企业财务管理的目标 8
3.1企业价值最大化符合社会主义基本经济规律性 8
3.2企业价值最大化有利于企业长期稳定发展 8
3.3企业价值最大化本身是一个多元化、多层次的目标体系 9
4 私营企业财务管理特征 9
4.1凭经验决策 9
4.2财务人员业务素质低 9
4.3业主“说了算” 9
5 造成私营企业财务管理现状的影响因素 10
5.1宏观社会环境因素的影响 10
5.2微观环境因素的影响 10
5.3组织形式的选择不同类型的企业,其资本来源结构不同 10
5.4业主素质 11
5.5企业文化 11
5.6科技发展状况 11
6 更新财务管理理念,确立其战略核心地位 11
6.1树立民营企业的诚信文化理念 11
6.2建立健全内部会计控制和内部审计制度 12
6.3强化营运资金管理,提高资金利用效率 12
6.4提高会计人员素质,加强会计基础工作 13
6.5增强风险意识,加强风险管理 13
结 论 14
致 谢 14
参考文献 15
关键词:财务管理特征 ; 会计人员素质; 财务管理目标
Financial control is the business administration important component, in the field , link seeping through each to enterprise. Financial affairs is managed being related to enterprise's directly existing and developing, from some say on species significance it is a key of enterprise sustainable development. Depending on planned economy times , business administration and financial control of our country is not to take running after performance of enterprises as target , the distribution of income is to distribute the equalitarianism under the slogan according to one's performance. The third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee makes the reformation direction having brought forward state-owned enterprise clear , requires that the business administration establishing a modern enterprise system and putting science into practice composes in reply financial control. In knowledge-base economy times , the enterprise financing activities per one are to initiated , handled and managed by person equally, how also main depends on people's knowledge composes in reply wisdom and personal it's effect effort degree. Enterprise financial control must set up "people-oriented " thought , build the combination of responsibility , authority and benefit financial affairs operating mechanism , strengthen the excitation and constraint to person, enthusiasm , initiative moving a people's sufficiently compose in reply creativeness. This is that enterprise carries out financing activities smooth but effective , the foundation attaining financial control's objectives ensures that.
Keywords: Financialaffairscharacteristics of management , Accountant quality , Financial control target
目 录
摘 要 2
Abstract 3
目 录 4
1 引言 5
1.1财务管理目标 5
1.2确立合理的财务管理目标 5
1.3企业理财活动所希望实现的结果 5
1.4企业财务管理目标决定于企业管理活动与目标 6
2 确定企业财务管理目标的意义 6
2.1激励和约束作用 6
2.2指导和评价作用 6
2.3桥梁作用 6
2.4几种财务管理目标的比较分析 7
3 现阶段我国企业财务管理的目标 8
3.1企业价值最大化符合社会主义基本经济规律性 8
3.2企业价值最大化有利于企业长期稳定发展 8
3.3企业价值最大化本身是一个多元化、多层次的目标体系 9
4 私营企业财务管理特征 9
4.1凭经验决策 9
4.2财务人员业务素质低 9
4.3业主“说了算” 9
5 造成私营企业财务管理现状的影响因素 10
5.1宏观社会环境因素的影响 10
5.2微观环境因素的影响 10
5.3组织形式的选择不同类型的企业,其资本来源结构不同 10
5.4业主素质 11
5.5企业文化 11
5.6科技发展状况 11
6 更新财务管理理念,确立其战略核心地位 11
6.1树立民营企业的诚信文化理念 11
6.2建立健全内部会计控制和内部审计制度 12
6.3强化营运资金管理,提高资金利用效率 12
6.4提高会计人员素质,加强会计基础工作 13
6.5增强风险意识,加强风险管理 13
结 论 14
致 谢 14
参考文献 15