

论行政事业单位人力资源管理的现状与对策,摘 要优质的人力资源管理不仅是当前发展经济、提高市场竞争力的需要,也是一个国家、一个单位长期兴旺发达的重要保证,更是一个人充分开发自身潜能、适应社会、改造社会的重要措施。在我国众多的行政事业单位中,聚集了大量的专业技术人才,是优质的人力资源聚集地,然而其传统人力资源管理因受社会经济...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 晓路1314 发布


摘  要

    High-quality human resources management is not only developing the economy and improving the competitiveness of the market needs, but also a country, a unit of an important guarantee for long-term prosperity, but also a fully developed its own potential to adapt to society and an important measure for the transformation of thesociety.Abstract。In our country in a large number of administrative departments and institutions, brought together a large number of professional and technical personnel, is a high-quality human resources to gather, but their traditional human resource management constraints due to the socio-economic environment shows the idea of widespread corruption, human resources idle, people The initiative is not high, employees can not, the cronyism, human resources management concept of the phenomenon of too much tradition to form the professional quality of the civil service is not high enough, do not pay attention to training, lack of incentives and many other issues In this paper, these issues put forward corresponding measures in four areas, namely, the macro level to reform the existing management system, enhance the professional ethics at all levels, and strengthening the professional qualities and to establish an effective incentive mechanism to improve the personnel training system.
 [Key words]: administrative institutions; human resources management; human resources planning; the quality of professional ethics; staff training



摘  要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1研究的背景重要意义 1
第二章行政事业单位对国民经济发展的重要性 3
第三章我国行政事业单位人力资源管理的缺陷 3
3.1人员招聘机制不合理,导致从业人员素质低 3
3.2人员监督机制不合理,导致从业人员道德素质低 4
3.3人力资源管理缺乏竞争和激励机制 4
第四章提高我国行政事业单位人力资源管理水平的对策 5
4.1从宏观上来看,要改革现有的行政事业单位管理体制 5
4.2从微观上看,行政事业单位的内部人力资源管理水平要大力提高 6
4.3建立公平的干部选拔机制和合理的分配体制 6
4.4改善人力资源市场的具体环境 6
4.5加强对人力资本所有权的维护 8
4.6建立和完善育人的培训机制 9
4.7改革人力资源激励机制 9
参考文献 13