保险公司省公司客户关系管理系统的设计与实现(硕士论文),原创硕士毕业论文,内容完整推荐参考!目 录中文摘要7英文摘要8第1章 绪论101.1课题研究的背景和意义101.1.1 crm的定义101.1.2 crm的类型121.1.3 crm的内涵141.1.4 crm的系统特征151.1.5 crm实施顺序161.1.6 ...

此文档由会员 fobqi 发布
目 录
中文摘要 7
英文摘要 8
第1章 绪论 10
1.1课题研究的背景和意义 10
1.1.1 CRM的定义 10
1.1.2 CRM的类型 12
1.1.3 CRM的内涵 14
1.1.4 CRM的系统特征 15
1.1.5 CRM实施顺序 16
1.1.6 CRM 的意义 17
1.2 论文研究的方法和内容 19
1.2.1 论文研究的方法 19
1.2.2 论文研究的内容结构 20
第2 章 中国太平洋财产保险股份有限公司客户关系管理(CRM)现状分析 21
2.1 中国太平洋财产保险股份有限公司的基本情况 21
2.2 中国太平洋财产保险股份有限公司CRM的现状 23
2.3 太平洋财产保险股份有限公司实施CRM的必要性 25
2.4 中国太平洋财产保险公司实施CRM建设的重点 27
第3章 相关技术介绍 29
3.1 Oracle 概述 29
3.2 JDBC 技术 29
3.3 XML技术 30
3.4 Spring技术 30
第4章 太平洋财产保险公司CRM流程分析 32
4.1 太平洋财产保险公司CRM系统建设的主要内容 32
4.1.1 CRM系统客户基本信息库 32
4.1.2 CRM系统的数据来源与关联关系 32
4.2 CRM系统基本功能模块的构成 34
4.2.1 CRM的销售模块的功能介绍 35
4.2.2CRM的呼叫中心模块的功能介绍 35
4.2.3CRM的市场模块的功能介绍 35
4.2.4CRM的商业智能模块的功能介绍 36
4.2.5客户潜在需求挖掘 37
4.3客户关系管理(CRM)项目的实施标准 37
4.4 CRM系统模块结构图设计 39
4.4.1 数据库的设计 40
4.5 客户关系管理(CRM)效益与预期目标 43
总 结 44
参考文献 45
致 谢 46
导师及作者简介 47
摘 要
Enter the and of WTO protection period with insurance,insurance market subject increase like the mushrooms after rain,the competition insuring on the market at home has already reached fiercely .Because the products homogeneity phenomenon of the insurance is serious,every insurance enterprise realizes soberly the simple price war can only result in bothing suffer losses,it is the only way to capture market and take the enterprise’s core competitive power as soon as possible,and buile Customer Relationshhip Management system can excavate latent enegy ,lower costs,the best way to improve and make profits and capture market and take the initiative ,so it is domestic extremely urgent tasks of insurance company to set up and perfect enterprise CRM system as soon as possible .China Pacific Property Insu rance Company has very important data resource after many years service development ,each application system module also gradually tends to the consummation ,Has formed a set of quiet suitable services development internal management mechanism,Therefore in order to make the constructs successed of the Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China CRM system we Must unify the company to be actual and the market present situation ,fully uses company each item of resources .The course of systematic construction of CRM pursues the course that the advanced person manages the idea,is the course of the effective intergration of the resources too.Use and promote the custorm’s satisfaction and loyalty through the merger to the information construction achievement,and then improve benefit of managing of..
目 录
中文摘要 7
英文摘要 8
第1章 绪论 10
1.1课题研究的背景和意义 10
1.1.1 CRM的定义 10
1.1.2 CRM的类型 12
1.1.3 CRM的内涵 14
1.1.4 CRM的系统特征 15
1.1.5 CRM实施顺序 16
1.1.6 CRM 的意义 17
1.2 论文研究的方法和内容 19
1.2.1 论文研究的方法 19
1.2.2 论文研究的内容结构 20
第2 章 中国太平洋财产保险股份有限公司客户关系管理(CRM)现状分析 21
2.1 中国太平洋财产保险股份有限公司的基本情况 21
2.2 中国太平洋财产保险股份有限公司CRM的现状 23
2.3 太平洋财产保险股份有限公司实施CRM的必要性 25
2.4 中国太平洋财产保险公司实施CRM建设的重点 27
第3章 相关技术介绍 29
3.1 Oracle 概述 29
3.2 JDBC 技术 29
3.3 XML技术 30
3.4 Spring技术 30
第4章 太平洋财产保险公司CRM流程分析 32
4.1 太平洋财产保险公司CRM系统建设的主要内容 32
4.1.1 CRM系统客户基本信息库 32
4.1.2 CRM系统的数据来源与关联关系 32
4.2 CRM系统基本功能模块的构成 34
4.2.1 CRM的销售模块的功能介绍 35
4.2.2CRM的呼叫中心模块的功能介绍 35
4.2.3CRM的市场模块的功能介绍 35
4.2.4CRM的商业智能模块的功能介绍 36
4.2.5客户潜在需求挖掘 37
4.3客户关系管理(CRM)项目的实施标准 37
4.4 CRM系统模块结构图设计 39
4.4.1 数据库的设计 40
4.5 客户关系管理(CRM)效益与预期目标 43
总 结 44
参考文献 45
致 谢 46
导师及作者简介 47
摘 要
Enter the and of WTO protection period with insurance,insurance market subject increase like the mushrooms after rain,the competition insuring on the market at home has already reached fiercely .Because the products homogeneity phenomenon of the insurance is serious,every insurance enterprise realizes soberly the simple price war can only result in bothing suffer losses,it is the only way to capture market and take the enterprise’s core competitive power as soon as possible,and buile Customer Relationshhip Management system can excavate latent enegy ,lower costs,the best way to improve and make profits and capture market and take the initiative ,so it is domestic extremely urgent tasks of insurance company to set up and perfect enterprise CRM system as soon as possible .China Pacific Property Insu rance Company has very important data resource after many years service development ,each application system module also gradually tends to the consummation ,Has formed a set of quiet suitable services development internal management mechanism,Therefore in order to make the constructs successed of the Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China CRM system we Must unify the company to be actual and the market present situation ,fully uses company each item of resources .The course of systematic construction of CRM pursues the course that the advanced person manages the idea,is the course of the effective intergration of the resources too.Use and promote the custorm’s satisfaction and loyalty through the merger to the information construction achievement,and then improve benefit of managing of..