此文档由会员 wpf20080607 发布单片机水温控制系统硬件设计
关键词: MC9S12XS128单片机; 温度控制; PT100温度变送器;驱动电路; 直流电动机;
Water temperature control system based on the single chip has been playing an extensive and important role in industrial and agricultural production. With the progress of science and technology,new processing microprocessor, power electronic devices and integrated function modules emerge constantly. It has a great significance to design a low cost, excellent performance single-chip microcomputer temperature control system through the application of new devices.
The system design is based on the research analysis of new microprocessors, power electronics devices and function integration modules and it uses MC9S12XS128 as the core. The single-chip microcontroller integrated the A/D module, PWM output module ,and the extension performance of the system is excellent.Temperature sensor adopts PT100.The whole hardware system design is consisted of the power module, digital display module ,keyboard module, temperature measurement module, cooling module, power heating module, alarm module, and it realizes the setting control temperature, temperature display, overrun alarm, computer communication and so on. The temperature measuring module and cooling module of the system are of high precision and good adaptability. The system can adapt to different environment temperature measurement requirements after the modification of local hardware circuits.
Keywords: MC9S12XS128single-chip microcomputer system;
temperature control system; PT100 temperature transmitter;
driver circuit; Dc motivation;
目 录
第一章 概述 1
1.1 单片机系统的发展概况 1
1.2 单片机水温控制系统的现实意义 1
第二章 单片机水温控制系统方案选择 3
2.1 测温模块方案的分析与比较 3
2.1.1压力式温度计 3
2.1.2 热电偶式温度计 3
2.1.3膨胀式温度计 3
2.1.4辐射式温度计 4
2.1.5热电阻式温度计 4
2.2 降温模块方案选择 5
2.2.1基于低通滤波器(LPF)的PWM控制直流电机转速方案 5
2.2.2 基于IGBT的降压斩电路控制直流电机转速方案 6
2.2.3 基于MOSFET的PWM波控制直流电机转速方案 7
2.3 功率模块控制方案选择 8
2.4 键盘显示模块方案选择 9
2.4.1 显示模块方案选择 10
2.4.2 键盘设计方案选择 10
2.5 硬件设计总体框图 12
第三章 单片机水温控制系统的硬件电路设计 14
3.1 MC9S12XS128单片机特点及其资源概述 14
3.1.1 MC9S12XS128的内部资源介绍 14
3.1.2 MC9S12XS128开发板资源介绍 16
3.1.3 选用MC9S12XS128开发板优势 16
3.2 硬件电路组成 16
3.2.1 电源模块电路 16
3.2.2 数码显示及键盘模块电路 17
3.2.3 控制模块 19
3.2.4 温度采集模块电路 19
3.2.5功率加热模块电路 20
3.2.6 降温模块电路 20
3.2.7 通讯模块电路 21
3.2.8报警模块电路设计 21
第四章 硬件电路系统仿真 22
4.1 硬件电路仿真 22
4.2 显示及键盘模块仿真 22
4.2 功率模块仿真 31
4.3 降温模块仿真 32
参考文献 34