

机械式立体停车库下位机系统设计,摘要随着我国经济的飞速发展,汽车保有量的不断增加,停车难已成为一些大城市的问题。国外的许多城市,也存在停车难的问题。世界各国在解决这一难题中采取的措施有所不同,但机械式立体停车库的应用是各个国家都积极采取的解决办法。 垂直升级式停车设备是一种机械式立体停车设备,本文针对自行设计的一种新型垂...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 chemcary 发布


    本文提出了一 种单片机控制系统方案,完成了系统硬件电路原理图的绘制;软件的设计。

  Along with speedily developing of our country economy and the automobile in the city-retained amount having sharp increase,the difficult problems of city parking has appeared.In addition,many foreign cities lack of parking place also.Though that country of the world adopts different solution,application of the space-parking system is unified method. 
  The vertical lifting parking equipment is one type of the mechanical parking equipment.According to the structural traits of a new type of vertical lifting mechanical parking equipment designed by us and the requirements to the control system, a kind of single-chip microcomputer control system scheme and a electric power draw system scheme are developed in this paper; The control system's hardware and software scheme are designed; In the end,the summary and the prospect to this paper's study work is given.
  A single-chip microcomputer control system scheme is presented in this paper; the design and the drawing of hardware circuits  is made; the software program is compiled.
  Based on the parking equipment's working traits and the requirements of the electrification control, the electric power draw system scheme is developed. The scheme determines the component of electric power system, the selection of electrical machinery and all kinds of low pressure electrical equipments, the determination of working velocity.

Key words:parking equipment;single-chip microcomputer;control system
第一章  绪论 1
1.1 课题来源和意义 1
1.2 本课题国内外研究动态 2
1.3 本文主要研究内容 3
第二章  停车设备结果和工作原理 4
2.1 机械式立体停车设备的类别及特点 4
2.2 垂直升降式停车设备结结构和工作原理 5
2.2.1 升降驱动系统 6
2.2.2 车辆存取方式 7
第三章  停车设备单片机控制系统设计 9
3.1 停车设备控制要求 9
3.2 停车设备控制系统总体结构 9
3.3 停车设备控制系统硬件设计 11
3.3.1 单片机子系统 11
3.3.2 复位电路 13
3.3.3 信号输入电路 14
3.3.4 输出驱动电路 17
3.3.5 键盘/显示电路 20
3.3.6 时间处理电路 22
3.3.7 蜂鸣器报警驱动电路 23
3.3.8 供电电源 23
3.4 停车设备控制系统软件设计 24
3.4.1 主要程序模块及其流程图 24
3.4.2 软件调试 27
3.5 控制系统的抗干扰措施 27
3.5.1 硬件抗干扰 27
3.5.2 软件抗干扰 28
第四章  停车设备电力拖动系统 29
4.1 电力拖动系统组成 29
4.1.1 曳引电机 29
4.1.2 停车设备安全技术 30
4.2 停车设备运行速度曲线 31
4.3 停车设备超速保护 32
4.4 调速方案 32
4.4.1 交流变极调速 32
4.4.2 交流变频变压(VVVF)调速 32
4.4.3 交流变压(ACVV)调速 35
第五章 结论和展望 36
5.1 本文取得的结论 36
5.2 对今后工作的展望 36
致谢 37
参考文献 38
附录 40