jsp物业管理系统设计,包括论文,系统程序,开题报告,任务书,答辩ppt,外文翻译整套完整毕业设计作品摘 要随着市场经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,大量的住宅小区已遍布城区,人们对于居住环境的要求也越来越高,住宅小区的物业管理工作也变得更加繁重,利用物业管理信息系统来实现对小区物业管理工作的信息化正成为人们的共识。 小区...

原文档由会员 wwwwe 发布jsp物业管理系统设计
摘 要
关键词:物业; 信息管理系统; JSP
The design and realization of a property management information system based on B/S mode
With the development of market economy and the improvement of people's living standard, a large number of residential area, people around for a living environment more and more is also high, residential property management has become more onerous, use property management information system of residential property management informatization has become the common people.
Area property management system in modern society is a very popular software, is the most concerned about the actual life of the masses. Its use so that property managers and owners of residential quarters on things more convenient, faster and more satisfactory reply had been received. Along with the size of the area continued to expand and develop the growing number of households, will also be increasing the workload. However, it has been the use of traditional manual data management, such management, there are many disadvantages: low efficiency, poor confidentiality, and over time, will have a large number of documents and data, which is to find, update and maintenance bring a lot of difficulties.
With the continuous improvement of science and technology, computer science and technology maturity, its powerful features have a profound understanding of people, it has access to all areas of human society and play an increasingly important role. As part of computer applications, the use of computer-to-business unit to manage the information with the manual management of unmatched advantages. These advantages can greatly improve efficiency, but also the scientific enterprise, standardized management and an important condition for the rest of the world.
Therefore, the development of such a residential property management information system as a necessary thing, in the following chapters I will be graduating from the design of the development of residential property management systems, to talk about the development process and the issues involved in and solutions.
Key words: Property;MIS; JSP
目 录
1. 需求分析 1
1.1 系统分析 1
1.2 用户需求 1
1.2.1 普通用户: 1
1.2.2 管理员用户: 2
1.3 可行性研究 2
1.3.1 管理上的可行性 2
1.3.2 技术上的可行性 2
1.3.3 经济上的可行性 3
1.3.4 系统运行的可行性分析 3
2. 系统设计 4
2.1 系统功能划分 4
2.1.1 用户功能: 4
2.1.2 管理员功能: 5
2.2 系统流程图 6
2.3 系统用例图 7
2.4 系统结构图 7
2.5 系统框架 9
2.5.1 管理员框架: 10
2.5.2 业主框架: 10
2.6 处理封装 11
2.6.1 报表处理类的封装: 11
2.6.2 数据库表处理类的封装: 11
2.7 系统子模块设计 11
2.7.1 用户管理子系统: 11
2.7.2 用户注册、登记: 12
2.7.3 用户信息查询子: 12
2.7.4 管理员管理: 12
3. 数据库设计 13
3.1 数据库分析 13
3.2 数据库结构 13
3.3 数据库字段说明 13
4. 页面设计与编码 16
4.1 界面设计 16
4.1.1 登陆主界面 16
4.1.2 注册界面 17
4.1.3 管理员登陆 17
4.1.4 管理员管理 18
4.1.5 用户信息修改 19
4.2 系统核心代码 19
4.2.1 新用户注册代码: 19
4.2.2 注册数据库连接代码: 23
4.2.3 用户修改信息代码: 23
4.2.4 信息查询代码: 25
5. 程序测试 27
5.1 软件测试 27
5.2 测试目标与方法 27
结 论 28
致 谢 29
参考文献 30
附录1 外文参考文献(译文) 31
附录2 外文参考文献(原文) 34