
原文档由会员 ccc971854870 发布真空断路器永磁机构智能控制系统设计
As a kind of new Actuator of Circuit Breaker,Permanent Magnetic Actuator(PMA)has the advantage of less parts,higher reliability and maintenance-free and so on,so it has been paid more and more attention by people all over the world.
In the paper,the mostly work is the study on Middle-voltage Circuit Breaker PMA,its principle,the static characteristic,the dynamic characteristic and the control system.In the calculation of static magnetic field,the Finite Element Method(FEM)is used.The force characteristic of PMA with exciting current and without exciting current are calculated and analyzed.Because the dynamic character of PMA is affected by permanent magnet and exciting current,in this paper,new mathematic model and equation are established and the calculation result is analyzed.The data of exciting current,magnetic force,Moving-core velocity,Moving-core displacement and capacitance voltage at any time during opening and closeing operation and every factor's effect on dynamic character are obtained.
In the paper,the intelligent control unit based on single-chip microprocessor for intelligent breaker integreates many functions such as protection,control,and measurement.The signals of currents,voltages,active power and reactive power are monitored in real time.The control unit can not only control opening/closing operation of circuit breaker,but also has the functions of over-current/under-voltage trip,closing/opening interlock for mal-operation and diagnosis and warning for the failure of the operation system.In the final part,the paper focuses on the intelligent control and Synchronous Closing Technique of vacuum circuit breaker.
Keywords:Permanent Magnetic Actuator;Intelligent control;Vacuum circuit breaker
0 前言 1
1 概述 2
1.1 设计研究的意义及内容 2
1.2 永磁机构技术在国内外的发展及前景 3
2 永磁机构的结构及其工作原理 6
2.1 永磁机构的优点 6
2.2 双稳态永磁机构结构与驱动原理 6
3 永磁操动机构的静、动态特性 10
3.1 永磁操动机构的静态特性 10
3.1.1 永磁机构的磁路分析 10
3.1.2 双稳态永磁机构静态磁场特性 14
3.2 永磁机构的动态特性 17
3.2.1 永磁机构动态分析的数学模型 17
3.2.2 永磁机构动态特性微分方程组的求解 19
3.2.3 求解电磁场逆问题的算法 20
3.2.4 永磁机构真空断路器动态特性分析 21
4 永磁机构的控制系统 23
4.1 永磁机构控制系统设计原则 23
4.2 控制器总体设计 23
4.3 控制系统的硬件结构 27
4.4 硬件模块设计 27
4.4.1 电源设计 28
4.4.2 断路器分、合闸状态的检测 28
4.4.3 CPU模块 29
4.4.4 信号输入单元 30
4.4.5 信号输出单元 31
4.4.6 硬件监控电路 31
4.5 电磁兼容抗干扰技术 32
5 智能控制设计 34
5.1 智能识别控制算法 34
5.2 同步关合技术 34
5.2.1 同步关合技术的意义 34
5.2.2 永磁机构断路器的同步关合技术 35
5.3 软件设计 46
5.3.1 主程序模块 47
5.3.2 与上位机通信的程序设计 48
5.3.3 软件抗干扰设计 53
6 技术经济分析 55
7 结论 56
致谢 57
参考文献 58
附录A 译文 60
附录B 外文原文 69