
此文档由会员 zhjh19780218 发布【教育管理毕业论文】现代中学教育管理制度初探
关键词 : 中学教育管理制度,管理机构,管理机制,人本管理
With the development of our period, the educational goal and the model of talent cultivation has changed. As schools exist as independent entities, they are where any educational reform is being carried out. It is in the school that the educational goals are fulfilled and it guarantees the fulfilling of the educational goals. And also it is an important research question. Based on the development of middle school management, the thesis tries to explore the conception of education management in modern middle school in the hope of providing an adoptable scheme to educational administration.
The thesis includes three parts. They’re introduction, the body and conclusion respectively.
In the introduction, it explains the reason why this problem is choosen. The study is undertaken on many existent problems, such as tight management; unitary investment resource; lack of social involvement, multi-leveled administration, lack of competitive internal management system, lack of self-management and self-monitoring, etc. Thus, it is essential to explore a kind of efficient and scientific management system
in modern middle school.
The body part of the thesis consists of four parts. The first part explains the research background about this problem. Since the school master in charge system established, many of them are exploring the new management model in middle school by breaking the original one. Even if the past management theory can’t keep up with the time, the new theory has not been established yet .The second part and third part, it presents the concept of management in modern middle school and the way to build it. Based on this, the fourth part undertakes a detailed study in this field in terms of management system, institution and mechanism, presenting a framework of middle school institution establishment, which is compatible to the goal of high-efficiency management and reflects the rational of school management.
Finally, a conclusion is made. Such exploration contributions to the improvement in school management in our country and enriches the research by extending the relevant researching field.
KEY WORDS :middle school education management,
management institution, management system,humanistic management
目 录
摘要 I
引言 1
第一章 现代中学教育管理的研究背景 5
1.1教育全球化的到来 5
1.1.1教育全球化 5
1.1.2知识经济社会 6
1.1.3中国加入世贸组织 6
1.2教育发展要与社会发展相适应 7
1.2.1“适应社会需求”的人才培养观需要调整和改变 7
1.2.2人才培养的深层目标就是弘扬人的主体性,发展个性 8
1.3现代教育管理制度呈现出新的特点 9
1.3.1各国的教育行政当局强调教育管理重心下移 9
1.3.2学校管理系统由封闭走向开放 10
1.3.3学校管理制度向科学化的方向发展 10
1.3.4我国的学校管理体制为校长负责制 11
第二章现代中学教育管理制度的内涵及功能 12
2.1相关概念的理解 12
2.1.1管理的内涵 12
2.1.2制度的内涵 13
2.1.3管理制度的内涵 14
2.2现代中学管理制度的内涵 16
2.2.1现代中学管理制度的定义 16
2.2.2现代中学管理的思想 17
2.2.3现代学校管理制度的基本特征 18
2.3现代中学管理的基本功能 19
2.3.1学校管理的基本功能--实现效益 19
2.3.2学校管理中效益的实现--优化资源配置 20
第三章 现代中学管理理念的树立 22
3.1人本的意识 22
3.1.1整个社会发展的趋势使人的价值不断提高 23
3.1.2学校创造相应的环境和条件是人本管理的重要方面 23
3.1.3学校人本管理的本质特征是师生的个人自我管理 24
3.2服务的意识 25
3.2.1树立“教育服务”理念 25
3.2.2“入世”对教育管理体制改革的要求 26
3.3竞争的意识 27
3.3.1教育是国力竞争的基础 27
3.3.2树立正确的竞争观念 28
3.3.3科教兴国是质量竞争的关键 29
3.4经营的意识 30
3.4.1教育具有经营的属性 30
3.4.2学校经营的内容 31
3.5管理文化的意识 34
3.5.1教育具有传递、储存和创造、发展文化的功能 34
3.5.2建立学校管理文化的新格局 36
第四章 建立科学高效的现代中学教育管理制度 38
4.1建立与办学体制相配套的中学管理体制 38
4.1.1多元化的学校办学体制 38
4.1.2多样化的学校管理体制 40
4.2中学内部管理机构的设置 43
4.2.1管理机构设置的原则 43
4.2现代中学管理机构的设置 45
4.2.1校级管理机构的设置 45
4.2.2中层管理机构的设置 46
4.2.3现代中学管理机构的设置体现人本和服务的管理理念 47
4.3创建科学的中学管理机制 48
4.3.1运行机制的主要内容 49
4.3.2动力机制的主要内容 50
4.3.3制约机制的主要内容 53
结语 54
参考文献 55