

关于中国对朝鲜核问题的立场和作用, 摘要:2003年3月中国政府就朝鲜核问题进行了积极的外交斡旋,促成了中朝美“三方会谈”为和平解决朝核问题迈出第一步,同年中国通过提出解决朝核问题的新方案,促成现在的中朝美韩日俄“六方会谈”。中国政府把朝鲜问题纳入到一个多边框架下解决,对与这一重大成果,我国政府发挥着重要的作用,但朝鲜问...
分类: 论文>社会学论文


此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布


关键词:朝鲜问题;立场 ;作用
Abstract: March 2003 the Chinese Government on the Korean nuclear issue to a positive diplomatic mediation, In North Korea and the United States led to the "tripartite talks" to peacefully resolve the Korean nuclear issue taking the first step, In China to solve the Korean nuclear issue through the new programme, contributed to the current China-North Korea South Korea, Japan and Russia, "the six-party talks." The Chinese Government to the North Korean issue into a multilateral framework to resolve, With this major achievement, the Chinese government to play an important role, However, the ultimate resolution of the North Korea issue still depends on whether North Korea and the United States can reach a consensus. Although China on the North Korea issue in other countries played a role can not be replaced, However, from the North Korean issue on the development process, we can see that China's role has been very limited.
Key words: North Korea issue; position; role