电力线路远程监测系统的设计,摘 要远距离高压输电线路所处的地理环境、气候条件比较恶劣,作为电力输送枢纽的输电线路具有分散性大、距离长、难以维护等特点。采用人工巡视的方法,一般巡视周期为一个月,而在巡视期内线路及周边的环境情况是不得而知的。在这种情况下,电力系统能否可靠稳定的运行,在很大程度上取决于数据采集的实时性和远程监测的稳定性。因此设计一款具...

原文档由会员 ccc971854870 发布摘 要
Long-distance high voltage transmission lines are relatively located in poor geographical and climate condition. The power transmission line as a transportation hub have the characteristics of large dispersion, long distance, difficult to maintain and so on. The general inspection period of manual method will cost one month, yet within the area of inspection line the surrounding environment is unknown. Under this circumstances, the reliable and stable running of power system mainly rely on the real-time for data acquisition as well as stability for remote monitoring,therefore it is necessary to design a remote monitoring system for power line with prominent reliability, real-time and cost performance.
This paper, aimed at the tendency of remote monitoring system of power lines, combined with practicality and economy, provided a new solution and a monitoring system which is based on AVR microcontroller .The voltage, current, temperature, wind speed and other parameters will be transmitted to the neighboring tower installed in the base stations through sensor network, then through the public GPRS network the base station transmitted the monitoring data to the dispatch center where operating personnel could analyze the data curve. This design not only achieved the function of collecting multi-channel parameters and pre-processing, but can greatly improve the running level at the aspects of security and economy as well as provide necessary reference for condition maintenance of the power lines.
Key words: power lines; monitoring; AVR Microcontroller; GPRS
0前言 1
1 概述 2
1.1 电力线路远程监测发展背景 2
1.1.1 电力线路远程监测系统的概述 2
1.1.2 计算机保护的发展历史 3
1.1.3 计算机保护的国内外研究概况与发展趋势 3
1.1.4电力监测的重要性 4
1.2电力监测方案 5
1.3论文所做的工作 5
2 传感器信号检测 6
2.1 模拟量数据采集单元 6
2.1.1 电压/电流互感器电路及其工作原理 6
2.1.2温度传感器 10
2.1.3 风速传感器 11
3系统硬件设计 14
3.1 系统硬件总体设计 14
3.2 AD转换模块 15
3.3 I/V转换电路 17
3.4 通信单元的设计 17
3.5 单片机最小系统模块 19
3.6 光电隔离电路 21
3.7 采样原理 22
3.8 电源部分 23
4 系统软件设计 25
4.1 系统软件的总体设计 25
4.2 监测系统软件结构 25
4.3 模数转换程序设计 26
4.4 电压、电流采样算法 26
4.4.1 电压、电流的计算 26
4.4.2 电压、电流的采集程序 27
4.5 温度、风速监测程序设计 30
4.6 无线通信模块程序设计 31
4.6.1 M22无线模块启动信息传输 31
4.6.2 无线通信模块电路设计 32
5 技术经济分析 34
6 结论 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37
附录A 译文 38
附录B 外文文献 43