
原文档由会员 ccc971854870 发布火灾报警控制系统
In the recent years,increasing of modem buildings leads to frequency of fire.In case of fire,it will make huge damage to human’s life and property.While modern buildings take on smart character, the fire alarm and control system is in charge of detecting and alarming fire in time,safeguarding beings and belongings. The fire alarm and control system has been a necessary setting in industrial and civilian buildings,hotels,libraries,seientifie researehes and business departments.
This thesis includes seven main parts. The first part is an overview; The second part introduces the hardware about the fire alarm and control system;the third part is the hardware circuit design of the fire alarm and control system;the fourth part discusses how to control the fire;the fifth part introduces software design about the fire alarm and control system; the sixth part of this paper is the analysis of economic and technological;the seventh part is the conclusion.
This system as the core of AT89S51, uses thermal detectors and smoke detectors to detect the situation,when the fire broke out, the system makes the alarm atart and control the fire.Fire alarm and control system can forecast fire in time,control corresponding unite to move equipment. It has been used extensively In all kinds of buildings.But in actual, the system false alarm, fault also quite much. The property of detector have decided it’s suitable place,blindly pursue new product and new technology will not represent can raise systematic reliability. The system uses thermal detectors and smoke detectors to detect the situation,can rise further to alarm and unite move reliability.
Key words:fire detector;AT89S51;alarm;control
0 前言 1
1 概述 2
1.1 选题的背景及意义 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 3
1.3 本设计的内容 4
2 硬件介绍 5
2.1 系统框图 5
2.2 火灾探测器 5
2.2.1 火灾探测器的种类 5
2.2.2 火灾探测器的报警判断 8
2.2.3 火灾探测器的选择 11
2.2.4 火灾探测器的设置原则 13
2.3 电路主要芯片简介 14
2.3.1 AT89S51 14
2.3.2 ADC0809 15
2.3.3 8255A 16
3 电路设计 18
3.1 火灾探测器连接电路 18
3.2 矩阵键盘连接电路 19
3.3 数码管显示电路 20
3.4 8255A扩展电路 22
3.5 打印机接口电路 24
3.6 执行电路 25
3.6.1 固态继电器 25
3.6.2 执行电路的原理图 25
3.7 与上位机的通信 26
3.7.1 通信方式的选择 26
3.7.2 RS-485协议简介及MAX485芯片介绍 27
3.7.3 RS232-485转换电路 28
3.8 电源模块 29
3.8.1 集成稳压器的选择 29
3.8.2 +24V与+5V电源设计 30
3.9 电磁兼容(EMC)设计 31
3.9.1 电磁兼容(EMC)简介 31
3.9.2 硬件抗干扰措施 32
3.9.3 软件抗干扰措施 33
3.10 系统整体电路图 35
4 消防联动控制 36
4.1 自动喷水灭火系统的联动控制 36
4.2 室内消火栓系统的联动设计 37
4.3 防排烟系统的联动控制 40
5 火灾报警控制系统的软件设计 42
5.1 火灾报警控制系统软件设计的要求 42
5.2 火灾报警系统控制器软件设计 42
5.3 火灾报警控制系统探测器单片机软件设计 47
5.4 火灾报警控制系统矩阵键盘软件设计 48
5.5 火灾报警控制系统打印机软件设计 49
5.6 火灾报警控制系统与火灾探测器通讯软件设计 50
5.7 火灾报警控制系统单片机与上位机通讯软件设计 52
5.8 火灾报警系统人机交互软件设计 53
6 技术经济分析 56
7 结论 58
致谢 59
参考文献 60
附录A 译文 61
附录B 外文文献 69