

交流双速集plc控制电梯的系统的设计,摘 要plc(可编程控制器)作为一种工业控制微型计算机,它以其编程方便、操作简单尤其是它的高可靠性等优点,在工业生产过程中得到了广泛的应用。变频技术的发展推动了plc的应用。它应用大规模集成电路,微型机技术和通讯技术的发展成果,逐步形成了具有多种优点和微型、中型、大型、超大型等各种规格的系列产品,应用于从继电器控制...
分类: 论文>电气自动化/电力论文



原文档由会员 ccc971854870 发布

摘 要
关键词: 电梯;PLC;梯形图;







 PLC (Programmable Logical Controller) as an industrial micro-computer, had been widely applied in the course of industrial production for its easy programming, simple operation, especially its high reliability etc. Frequency conversion technology had also promoted the development of the application of the PLC. It adopted the large scale integrated circuit, the miniature machine technology and the communication technology development achievement and other merits, gradually formed various series of products, and that had been used in the area between the relay control system and monitoring computers.
 Along with society's unceasing development, the building is more and more high, and the elevator has become the necessary a high level building. After humanity's more than centuries unremitting endeavors, the elevator already from the handle switch operation elevator, the push-button control elevator develops to the present group control elevator, has made the indelible contribution.
The application of PLC in the elevator control is mainly reflected in its logic switch control function. Since the PLC has a logic operation, counting and timing, and data input and output functions in the process of elevator control, and logic switch control and PLC combined very well, that achieve the excellent control of the elevator.
Making full use of programmable logic controller of Mitsubishi Company for elevator control, so as to form elevator control system has been discussed in this paper. The whole system has the characteristic of anti-interference, high reliability, simple structure, high universality, flexible application, perfect functions, simple to maintain, small amount of repair and easy to implement mechanical-electrical integration. This design mainly included PLC control of elevator with correct instructions, outside orders, display of the location of the floors, flat-layer-for-speed control, switching door control task and so on. The design also had the various tasks of the system’s ladder chart and PLC control elevator I/O design.
Key words: elevator; PLC; Ladder Diagram;

0 前言 1
1 电梯的发展及其基本组成 2
1.1  电梯的历史发展 2
1.2  我国电梯的发展状况 3
1.3  电梯的组成 4
1.4  电梯的分类 5
1.5  电梯的未来发展趋势 6
2 电梯的基本结构和工作方式 8
2.1  电梯的基本结构 8
2.1.1  空间考虑 8
2.1.2  系统考虑 9
2.2  集选控制电梯特点 12
2.3  双速电梯的基本组成与运行原理 12
2.3.1  交流双速电梯的主电路 12
2.3.2  电梯的主要电气设备 13
3 电梯的控制方案的选择 16
3.1  继电器控制 16
3.1.1  继电器控制电梯的特点及存在的问题 16
3.1.2  电梯继电器控制系统存在的问题 16
3.2  PLC控制电梯 16
3.2.1  PLC的特点 16
3.2.2   PLC控制电梯的优点 17
4  PLC的概述 18
4.1  PLC的产生 18
4.2  PLC的结构 18
4.2.1  PLC硬件的结构 18
4.3  PLC的发展趋势 19
4.4  三菱FX系列PLC 20
4.4.1  各编程元件的选择 20
5  电梯的PLC控制 29
5.1  PLC控制电梯的电气元件表 29
5.2  电梯控制的原理框图 30
5.3  I/O电路的设计 30
5.3.1  门机电路、抱闸电路、门锁及安全运行电路 30
5.4  梯形图的设计 33
5.4.1  开门环节 33
5.4.2  电梯的关门环节 34
5.4.3  开关门保护及故障显示电路 35
5.4.4  层楼信号的产生与清除环节 36
5.4.5  内选信号的登记、消除和显示环节 38
5.4.6  外呼信号的登记、消除和显示环节 38
5.4.7  电梯的定向环节 40
5.4.8  停层信号的产生和清除环节 42
5.4.9  停车制动环节 43
5.4.10  自动运行时启动加速和稳定运行环节 44
6  系统干扰来源及处理方法 45
6.1  PLC系统中干扰的途径及主要来源 45
6.1.1  途径 45
6.1.2  主要来源 45
6.2  PLC系统设计时的抗干扰措施 46
6.2.1  硬件措施 46
6.2.2  软件措施 47
7  技术经济分析 48
7.1 技术分析 48
7.2 经济分析 48
8  结论 49
致谢 50
参考文献 51
附录A    译文 52
附录B    外文原文 62