

以单片机为核心的温室智能控制系统设计,目录0 前言11 概述21.1 系统的基本功能21.2 系统的主要技术参数21.3 本文的主要工作22 系统的组成及工作原理33 系统硬件电路的设计43.1 方案的选择和论证43.1.1 传感器的选择43.1.2 单片机的选择53.1.3 信号采集通道的选择53.2 系统单元电路的设...
分类: 论文>电气自动化/电力论文



原文档由会员 ccc971854870 发布



0 前言 1
1 概述 2
1.1 系统的基本功能 2
1.2 系统的主要技术参数 2
1.3 本文的主要工作 2
2 系统的组成及工作原理 3
3 系统硬件电路的设计 4
3.1 方案的选择和论证 4
3.1.1 传感器的选择 4
3.1.2 单片机的选择 5
3.1.3 信号采集通道的选择 5
3.2 系统单元电路的设计 6
3.2.1 信号采集电路 6
3.2.2 信号转换与处理电路 12
3.2.3 数码显示器LED 29
3.2.4 按键设置电路 35
3.2.5 继电器电路 37
3.2.6 电源电路 39
4 系统软件设计 40
4.1 温室智能控制系统程序流程图 40
4.1.1 主程序流程图 40
4.1.2 中断子程序流程图 40
4.1.3 键扫描程序流程图 42
4.2 部分程序 43
4.2.1 主程序 43
4.2.2 A/D转换程序 47
4.2.3 键扫描程序 49
5 系统的抗干扰措施 51
6 技术经济分析 52
7 结论 53
致谢 54
参考文献 55
附录A 56
附录B 66



The design is based on the greenhouse temperature and humidity. It chooses AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer to control the system. It can achieve the artificial set temperature and humidity range,display temperature and humidity in time, automatic control temperature and humidity and have other functions.
The design uses the temperature transducer LM35 and the humidity transducer HM1500, which make a measurement on the greenhouse temperature and humidity. AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer gets the real-time temperature and humidity values, after it communicate with the temperature transducer LM35 and the humidity transducer HM1500. Single-chip microcomputer with internal procedures can achieve the volume control.
We can artificially set the values, which can be displayed on the LED in time.If the current measurement values are not within the set scope, the system controls the relay turn-on to control the corresponding device. Finally, the controlled object can be kept in the scope of set values. Strong and weak electrical isolation can improve the safety of the system.
Keywords: greenhouse; temperature; humidity; single chip; control