ad hoc 网络技术及主要路由协议.doc


ad hoc 网络技术及主要路由协议,本论文共12页,5300字左右。[论文摘要]无线ad hoc网络由于自身的独特性和优点,使得它既可以作为一种独立的网络运行,其可移动性也可以作为当前具有固定设施网络的一种补充形式。初步介绍ad hoc的起源,发展过程,网络体系和发展前景,并详细介绍ad hoc网络的 3 种典型的路由协议。[关键词] ad hoc网络;...
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[论文摘要]无线Ad Hoc网络由于自身的独特性和优点,使得它既可以作为一种独立的网络运行,其可移动性也可以作为当前具有固定设施网络的一种补充形式。初步介绍ad hoc的起源,发展过程,网络体系和发展前景,并详细介绍Ad hoc网络的 3 种典型的路由协议。

[关键词] Ad hoc网络;网络体系;DSDV;AODV;DSR;

[Abstract] Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Because of its uniqueness and advantages, it can make as an independent operation of the network, its mobility can be fixed with the current facilities as a complement to the network form. Ad hoc initially introduced the origin, development process, network systems and development prospects, and detailed Ad hoc network of three kinds of typical routing protocol.

[Key Words] Ad Hoc Networks; network systems; DSDV; AODV; DSR;

[1] 邓刚 ,何遵文: Ad Hoc网络技术及应用 南阳师范学院学报 Vol.4 No13 2005.3.
[2] Zheng Lina , Wu Tongqiang: Ad Hoc Network Technology 邮电设计技术 2004.4.
[3] 张强,余立建,林国军,何玉婉: 无线Ad hoc网络典型路由协议的网络性能分析 成都大学学报 2007.9.