益生菌耐药性研究进展,①页数:6页②字数:8131字 ③ 摘要:益生菌对人类的营养和健康有着非常重要的意义,在食品、医药和饲料工业中都有广泛的应用。本文综述了若干益生菌耐药性的研究进展,对从事益生菌研究的科技工作者具有一定的参考价值。④目录:摘要、关键词1 益生菌简介1.1 概念和种类----------------------11.2 功...
此文档由会员 zw831 发布
③ 摘要:益生菌对人类的营养和健康有着非常重要的意义,在食品、医药和饲料工业中都有广泛的应用。本文综述了若干益生菌耐药性的研究进展,对从事益生菌研究的科技工作者具有一定的参考价值。
1 益生菌简介
1.1 概念和种类----------------------1
1.2 功效
2 益生菌耐药性的分子机制
2.1 固有耐药性
2.2 获得耐药性
2.2.1 益生菌基因突变与药物选择-----------------2
2.2.2 菌体间耐药基因的相互转移
3 益生菌耐药性研究
3.1 乳杆菌耐药性
3.2 双歧杆菌耐药性--------------------------------3
3.3 肠球菌耐药性
3.4 其它益生菌耐药性
4 结语----------------------------------------------4
[1] Fuller R. Probiotics in man and animals[J]. J Appl Bact, 1989, 66: 365—378.
[2] 顾文杰, 彭科峰, 张晓东等. 益生菌的功效及遗传修饰. 生物信息学,2006,4: 186-189.
[3] 陈有容, 郑小平. 益生菌的健康功效及其应用[J]. 上海水产大学学报,2001,10(3): 269—275.
[4] M.T. Hamilton-Miller, S.Shah. Deficiencies in microbioiogical quality and labeling of probiotic supplements. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2002, 27(1-2): l-75.
[5] T. Mattila, Sandholm, P. Myllarinen, R. Crittenden, et al. Technological challenges for future probiotic foods, International Dairy Journa1. 2002, 12(2-3): 173-182.
[6] Taksno T. Milk derived peptides and hypertension reduction[J]. Infl DairyJ, 1998, 8: 375-381.
[7] 邓小红.微生物耐药性的分子机制研究进展. 药学进展, 2008,18(4):3-6.
[8] Lzumi S, Aranishi F. Relationship between gyrA mutations and quinolone resistance in Flavobacterium psychrophilum isolates. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2004, 70(7): 3968-3972.
[9] Macinga DR, Renick PJ, Makin KM, et al. Unique biological properties and molecular mechanism of 5, 6-bridged quinolones. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2003, 47(8): 2526-2537.
[10] Tran JH, Jacoby GA. Mechanism of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance. Proc Natl Acid Sci USA, 2002, 99(8): 5638-5642.
[11] Davies J, Smith D1. Plasmid-determined resistance to antimicrobial agents[J]. Annd Rev Microbiol, 1978, 32: 469-518.
[12] Dorthe S, Frank MA, Lars BJ. Charactefisation of integrons and an tibiotic resistance genes in Dan ish multiresistants Salmonella enterica Typhirnuriurn DT104[J]. FEMS Microbiology Letter 1998, 160: 37-41.
[13] Mobak KDL, Baggesen FK, Aarestrup JM, et a1. An outbreak of multidrug-resistant, quinolone-resistant Salmonella enterica sero type Typhimuriurn DT104[N]. Ensl Med, 1999, 341: 1420-1425.
[14] Corpet DE, Lumeau S, Corpet F. Mimimum antibiotic levels for selecting a resistance plasmid in a gnotobiotec animal model[J]. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 1989, 33(4): 535-540.
[15] 崔晓文, 张秀英. 细菌耐药性产生的分子机制与耐药基因的快速检测方法. 中国兽药杂志, 2004, 38(9): 30-32.
[16] ZHOU JS, et al. Antibiotic susceptibility profiles of new probiotic Lactobacillus and Bifiddobacterium strains. Int J Food Microbiol, 2005, 98(2): 211-217.
[17] WANG TT, LEE BH. Plasmids in Lactobacillus. Crit Rev Biotechnol, 1997, 17(3): 227-272.
[18] GEVERS D, et al. Molecular characterization of tet(M) genes in Lactobacillus isolates from different types of fermented dry sausage. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2003, 69(2): 1270-1275.
[19] GFELLER KF. Molecular analysis of antimicrobial resistance determinants of commensal lactobacillus. PhD thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland, 2003.
[20] TEUBER M, MEILE L, SCHWARZ F. Acquired antibiotic resistance in lactic acid bacteria from food. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 1999, 76(1-4): 115-137.
[21] 易发平,马永平,钟贞等. 1株新分离的人两歧双歧杆菌耐药性研究. 中国微生态学杂志,2005, 17(2): 92-93.
[22] 张燕燕,李少英,其米格等. 主动外排系统介导的乳中双歧杆菌耐药性的确证. 乳业科学与技术,2008, 2: 59-61.
[23] DANIELSEN M, WIND A. Susceptibility of Lactobacillus spp. To antimicrobial agents. Int J Food Microbiol, 2003,82(1): 1-11.
[24] 张灼阳,刘畅,郭晓奎. 乳酸菌耐药性的研究进展. 中国微生态学杂志, 2007, 19(5): 478-480.
[25] CLEWELL DB, WEAVER KE. Sex pheromones and plasmid transfer in Enterococcus faecalis. Plasmid, 1989, 21(3): 175-184.
[26] RICE LB, CARIAS LL, DONSKEY CL, et al. Transferable, plasmid-mediated Van B-type glycopeptide resistance in Enterococcus faecium. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother, 1998, 42: 963-964.
[27] 糜祖煌. 肠球菌的耐药性及耐药基因的检测. 现代实用医学, 2004, 16(7): 385-386.
[28] 宋战昀,韩文瑜,雷连成等. 枯草杆菌多重耐药基因bmr的克隆及原核表达. 中国兽医学报, 2005, 25(6): 597-599.
[29] 张培德,周华,吴蓉. 球形芽孢杆菌的抗药标记及外源DNA的转化与表达. 微生物学报, 1998, 38(3): 181-185.
③ 摘要:益生菌对人类的营养和健康有着非常重要的意义,在食品、医药和饲料工业中都有广泛的应用。本文综述了若干益生菌耐药性的研究进展,对从事益生菌研究的科技工作者具有一定的参考价值。
1 益生菌简介
1.1 概念和种类----------------------1
1.2 功效
2 益生菌耐药性的分子机制
2.1 固有耐药性
2.2 获得耐药性
2.2.1 益生菌基因突变与药物选择-----------------2
2.2.2 菌体间耐药基因的相互转移
3 益生菌耐药性研究
3.1 乳杆菌耐药性
3.2 双歧杆菌耐药性--------------------------------3
3.3 肠球菌耐药性
3.4 其它益生菌耐药性
4 结语----------------------------------------------4
[1] Fuller R. Probiotics in man and animals[J]. J Appl Bact, 1989, 66: 365—378.
[2] 顾文杰, 彭科峰, 张晓东等. 益生菌的功效及遗传修饰. 生物信息学,2006,4: 186-189.
[3] 陈有容, 郑小平. 益生菌的健康功效及其应用[J]. 上海水产大学学报,2001,10(3): 269—275.
[4] M.T. Hamilton-Miller, S.Shah. Deficiencies in microbioiogical quality and labeling of probiotic supplements. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2002, 27(1-2): l-75.
[5] T. Mattila, Sandholm, P. Myllarinen, R. Crittenden, et al. Technological challenges for future probiotic foods, International Dairy Journa1. 2002, 12(2-3): 173-182.
[6] Taksno T. Milk derived peptides and hypertension reduction[J]. Infl DairyJ, 1998, 8: 375-381.
[7] 邓小红.微生物耐药性的分子机制研究进展. 药学进展, 2008,18(4):3-6.
[8] Lzumi S, Aranishi F. Relationship between gyrA mutations and quinolone resistance in Flavobacterium psychrophilum isolates. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2004, 70(7): 3968-3972.
[9] Macinga DR, Renick PJ, Makin KM, et al. Unique biological properties and molecular mechanism of 5, 6-bridged quinolones. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2003, 47(8): 2526-2537.
[10] Tran JH, Jacoby GA. Mechanism of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance. Proc Natl Acid Sci USA, 2002, 99(8): 5638-5642.
[11] Davies J, Smith D1. Plasmid-determined resistance to antimicrobial agents[J]. Annd Rev Microbiol, 1978, 32: 469-518.
[12] Dorthe S, Frank MA, Lars BJ. Charactefisation of integrons and an tibiotic resistance genes in Dan ish multiresistants Salmonella enterica Typhirnuriurn DT104[J]. FEMS Microbiology Letter 1998, 160: 37-41.
[13] Mobak KDL, Baggesen FK, Aarestrup JM, et a1. An outbreak of multidrug-resistant, quinolone-resistant Salmonella enterica sero type Typhimuriurn DT104[N]. Ensl Med, 1999, 341: 1420-1425.
[14] Corpet DE, Lumeau S, Corpet F. Mimimum antibiotic levels for selecting a resistance plasmid in a gnotobiotec animal model[J]. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 1989, 33(4): 535-540.
[15] 崔晓文, 张秀英. 细菌耐药性产生的分子机制与耐药基因的快速检测方法. 中国兽药杂志, 2004, 38(9): 30-32.
[16] ZHOU JS, et al. Antibiotic susceptibility profiles of new probiotic Lactobacillus and Bifiddobacterium strains. Int J Food Microbiol, 2005, 98(2): 211-217.
[17] WANG TT, LEE BH. Plasmids in Lactobacillus. Crit Rev Biotechnol, 1997, 17(3): 227-272.
[18] GEVERS D, et al. Molecular characterization of tet(M) genes in Lactobacillus isolates from different types of fermented dry sausage. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2003, 69(2): 1270-1275.
[19] GFELLER KF. Molecular analysis of antimicrobial resistance determinants of commensal lactobacillus. PhD thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland, 2003.
[20] TEUBER M, MEILE L, SCHWARZ F. Acquired antibiotic resistance in lactic acid bacteria from food. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 1999, 76(1-4): 115-137.
[21] 易发平,马永平,钟贞等. 1株新分离的人两歧双歧杆菌耐药性研究. 中国微生态学杂志,2005, 17(2): 92-93.
[22] 张燕燕,李少英,其米格等. 主动外排系统介导的乳中双歧杆菌耐药性的确证. 乳业科学与技术,2008, 2: 59-61.
[23] DANIELSEN M, WIND A. Susceptibility of Lactobacillus spp. To antimicrobial agents. Int J Food Microbiol, 2003,82(1): 1-11.
[24] 张灼阳,刘畅,郭晓奎. 乳酸菌耐药性的研究进展. 中国微生态学杂志, 2007, 19(5): 478-480.
[25] CLEWELL DB, WEAVER KE. Sex pheromones and plasmid transfer in Enterococcus faecalis. Plasmid, 1989, 21(3): 175-184.
[26] RICE LB, CARIAS LL, DONSKEY CL, et al. Transferable, plasmid-mediated Van B-type glycopeptide resistance in Enterococcus faecium. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother, 1998, 42: 963-964.
[27] 糜祖煌. 肠球菌的耐药性及耐药基因的检测. 现代实用医学, 2004, 16(7): 385-386.
[28] 宋战昀,韩文瑜,雷连成等. 枯草杆菌多重耐药基因bmr的克隆及原核表达. 中国兽医学报, 2005, 25(6): 597-599.
[29] 张培德,周华,吴蓉. 球形芽孢杆菌的抗药标记及外源DNA的转化与表达. 微生物学报, 1998, 38(3): 181-185.