原文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
本系统基于Microsoft Visual Studio .NET2003技术,服务器端软件使用Internet Information Service,后台数据库采用Microsoft Access2003。
关键词:计算机考试 网上报名 VB.NET
Because university is it employ with enterprise is it is it make graduate obtain employment to qualified personnel in a specific field the degree of difficulty increase constantly to influence to needing to expand, the fast development of and computer application technology, on one hand create good environment for the masses of graduate's employment, the degree of difficulty is strengthened to make the graduate obtain employment on the other hand , thus make graduates master the technology of the computer consciously, it is stronger to perfect the self- demand. The 21st century is the era of the computer, register on the net in computer examination systematic development have much era meanings. Graduation project this to is it finish computer examination register systematic design and development on the net to want. Though the online registration system of the computer examination is not the making of unprecedented innovation , but I still hope this design can be broken through to some extent , can be well versed in the knowledge studied at least, improve my practice ability, hope to find out the loophole of the knowledge studied or learn more things.
Systematic the whole course of development that this text has recommended registering on the net in computer examination, including the demand is analyzed, network analysis , the system is designed, such detailed contents as the system is realized. This system is because of Microsoft Visual Studio. NET2003 technology, the end software of the server uses Internet Information Service, backstage supporter's database adopts Microsoft Access2003.
Key words: Computer examination,registering on the net,VB. NET
目 录
一、 概述……………………………………………………………………………………………1
本系统基于Microsoft Visual Studio .NET2003技术,服务器端软件使用Internet Information Service,后台数据库采用Microsoft Access2003。
关键词:计算机考试 网上报名 VB.NET
Because university is it employ with enterprise is it is it make graduate obtain employment to qualified personnel in a specific field the degree of difficulty increase constantly to influence to needing to expand, the fast development of and computer application technology, on one hand create good environment for the masses of graduate's employment, the degree of difficulty is strengthened to make the graduate obtain employment on the other hand , thus make graduates master the technology of the computer consciously, it is stronger to perfect the self- demand. The 21st century is the era of the computer, register on the net in computer examination systematic development have much era meanings. Graduation project this to is it finish computer examination register systematic design and development on the net to want. Though the online registration system of the computer examination is not the making of unprecedented innovation , but I still hope this design can be broken through to some extent , can be well versed in the knowledge studied at least, improve my practice ability, hope to find out the loophole of the knowledge studied or learn more things.
Systematic the whole course of development that this text has recommended registering on the net in computer examination, including the demand is analyzed, network analysis , the system is designed, such detailed contents as the system is realized. This system is because of Microsoft Visual Studio. NET2003 technology, the end software of the server uses Internet Information Service, backstage supporter's database adopts Microsoft Access2003.
Key words: Computer examination,registering on the net,VB. NET
目 录
一、 概述……………………………………………………………………………………………1
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