

分类: 论文>计算机论文



原文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

随着现代工业的发展,计算机信息管理系统越来越受到企业重视。本文主要分析了库存管理系统的一些基本功能和组成情况,包括系统的需求分析、系统结构,功能模块划分以及数据库模式分析等,重点对应用程序的实际开发实现作了介绍。达到了数据的一致性和安全性,且应用程序功能完备,符合了库存管理系统作为典型的信息管理系统(MIS)的要求。同时简单介绍了Visual Basic编程环境和Access数据库管理系统的功能特点,库存管理系统是企业物流管理中不可或缺的一部分。
With the development of modern industry, the information management system of the computer is being paid attention to by enterprises. This text has analysed some basic functions of the administrative system of the stock and makes up the situation mainly, including the systematic demand is analysed, systematic structure, the function module divides and the data base mode is analysed etc., have realized doing the introduction to the actual development of the application program especially. Having reached the consistency and security of the data, and the application program function is complete, have accorded with the administrative system of the stock as the request for the typical information management system (MIS). Introduced the function characteristics of Visual Basic programming environment and Access data base management system briefly at the same time, the administrative system of the stock is an indispensable part in enterprise's material flow management.
This article in view of enterprise's actual need, has analyzed the enterprise storage management system function, it mainly uses the VB visible programming language to develop. It including documentary evidence management, statistical inquiry, auxiliary project management, report form management, function and so on system maintenance. carry on the renewal, the deletion and the inquiry, but also has the operator to manage, jurisdictionestablishment, password revision and so on other management functions.
Keywords: stock management, database, information management, VB
1 绪论 1
1.1库存管理系统研究背景与意义 1
1.2库存管理系统的研究现状 1
1.3本文的组织结构 2
2 技术简介和数据库理论基础 3
2.1开发工具及关键技术简介 3
2.2 Visual Basic简介及实现原理 3
2.3 数据库组件介绍 4
2.4 SQL语言在VB中的应用 5
2.5 Access 2000简述 6
2.7 SQL语言介绍 7
3 系统需求分析和总体设计 9
3.1需求分析 9
3.2可行性分析 9
3.3系统分析 9
3.4模块划分 11
4 库存管理系统设计分析 13
4.1 系统目标设计 13
4.2系统设计思想 13
4.3系统架构选择 13
4.4系统结构设计 14
4.5数据库设计 15
5 系统详细设计与实现 19
5.1系统登入模块设计 19
5.2 系统主窗体模块设计 20
5.3货品入库登记模块的实现 23
5.4出入库查询窗体模块的设计 24
5.5出入库数据整理窗体模块 25
6 总结与展望 27
参考文献 28
作品(软件)使用说明书 29