

分类: 论文>计算机论文



原文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

摘 要


Digital Image Processing Surveillance System

With the development of information technology and the popularity of video monitoring system, video surveillance is widely used in science research and industry production. There are three aspects in intelligent surveillance system: motion detecting that is the essential factor, motion positioning and image tracking. And motion detection is the basic one.
Some theoretical knowledge about Digital Image Processing, Mathematical Morphology, such as median filter, gray processing, image enhancement, edge detection, et al, are discussed in this dissertation. And then, some problems about the motional detection and position in secure surveillance system are also studied. The system is designed in three modules for locating objects and drawing motion track-curve. The system has the features such as the background obtained and the object identified automatically, less demand of computation time, and noise restrained effectively. The motion detection based on video image can be used in different fields. For example, car brand detection in traffic management, surveillance system in supermarket and dynamic identify for criminal spy, etc. Besides the author also mentioned the function and the value of the sport examining system. For instance the system could use as an important part of the examine system in the software, which the bank, hotel and supermarket could make use of .Because of the sport examine system could be alone used; people could make use of the system to do with the picture. For example, the system could analysis a series of picture which grabbed from the film .By doing this, an orbit could be taken through the sport examine system .which were used the VC++ as its development instrument, the Windows as its moving platform. Meanwhile author introduced the technique which the sport examining system used. In this article author introduced the detailed sequence of the system as well. In pace with the computer technology development quickly, digital image processing will become very important in our daily lives. So I believe this technology will be made used by more people in future.

Key words:Direction Determining;Digital Image Processing;Recognition Object;Background Obtained;Motion Detection

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract III
1 绪论 1
1.1 数字图像运动检测国内外发展的现状 1
1.2 数字图像处理简介 2
1.3 数字图像处理的基本要求 3
1.4 数字图像处理的应用 4
2 相关技术介绍 6
2.1 Windows位图和调色板 6
2.1.1 图像存储的调色板技术 6
2.1.2 Bmp位图文件格式 7
2.2 图像的平滑锐化 8
2.2.1 图像的平滑 8
2.2.2 中值滤波 9
2.2.3 锐化 11
3 数字图像运动检测概要设计 12
3.1 性能需求 12
3.2 功能需求 12
3.3 开发语言与平台 12
3.3.1 VC2005 12
3.3.2 MFC 13
3.4 系统设计 17
3.4.1 界面设计 17
3.4.2 功能设计 17
4 数字图像运动检测的详细设计 24
4.1 程序实现 24
4.1.1 图像数据读取 24
4.1.2 图像的中值滤波 26
4.1.3 图像灰度化 28
4.1.4 图像梯度的获取 30
4.1.5 图像特征区域的确定 32
4.1.6 得到特征区域的颜色信息 34
4.1.7 两幅图像的匹配 35
4.1.8 特征区域的第二次判定 40
4.1.9 物体的区域定位 40
4.1.10 图像二值化 42
4.1.11 图像的膨胀 43
4.1.12 图像边缘求取 45
4.1.13 图像细化 46
4.1.14 图像的去离散点的操作 48
4.1.15 物体中心点的取得 49
4.1.16 物体运动轨迹的绘制 50
结 论 53
参 考 文 献 54
致 谢 56