计算机辅助设计autocad二次开发论文+外文文献翻译,摘要 随着计算机技术的不断发展,技术人员素质的不断提高,autocad定制开发技术在计算机辅助设计中的应用将会得到更快更好的发展。autocad的巨大成功,首先得益于它的开放性,使得第三方很容易开发各种适用的专用软件,给用户带来标准、廉价、方便、高效等益处,从而进一步占领了市场。用户通过对autocad系统的定制开发,...

此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
摘 要
程序员既可以一次运行一段AutoLISP代码,也可以在 AutoCAD的Command下逐条键入AutoLISP指令,立即得到结果。
计算机辅助设计, AutoLISP,AutoCAD
With the continuous development of the computer technology , technical personnel's character increasing continuously, the application of the customization exploring technology of AutoCAD in computer-aided designation will get sooner better development.The remarkable success of AutoCAD , benefit to opening in first, making the third party to develop the appropriation software of every kind of suitable for use very easily, bringing the customer the standard, cheap, convenience, advantage efficiently,and so on, accordingly , taking more possession of market. The customer passes to make to order the development to the system of AutoCAD, joining together own profession characteristics, exploring CAD system belongs to ourselves. At present, the engineering graphics software of the domestic development adopts mostly the AutoCAD is used as its software props up the terrace, proceeding to second development, designing for the engineering to create with the graphics profession enormous and economic performance with social performance.Easy to see, this not only increases to the efficiency of designing consumedly, but also though developes the system making to order a some professions turns mold piece, even design large ploting software.
The AutoLISP is an AutoCAD hermeneutic API at the earliest stage, it not is a language to faced to the object,it used to come from to move to complete the mission of repetition primarily, proceed the client development and the menu of establishment AutoCAD and passing the simple mechanism to add orders for the AutoCAD.
The advantage of AutoLISP ,as follows:
1. The language rule is very simple, easy to learn and to use.
The source of AutoLISP and the language of LISP, with a general rule -form( LIST), describe the process with the data. Because this kind of rule is very simple, an engineer that he is not so thoroughly understand, need only through the short-term study, can be well-trained to control this language. The simplification of lisp,that is other language can’t compare with.The form of the " all-powerful" shielded the complicated process, can describe any data construction.
2. Aim at the AutoCAD directly, easily hand over with each other
The majority function provides is all to aim at the AutoCAD operation directly, the AutoLISP plait writes the operation that visit the AutoCAD sketch database( DWG) sketch database.
3. Explain to carry out, get effect instantly
Procedure member can circulate an AutoLISP code once, and also can the Command in AutoCAD bottom key-in the instruction of AutoLISP item by item, getting the result immediately.
computer-aided designation ,AutoLISP, AutoCAD
目 录
第一章 任务和实现目标
1.1任务要求 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
1.2实现目标 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
1.3开发工具 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
1.4着手设计 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
2.1 AUTOCAD历史------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
2.2 AUTOCAD 优点---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.3 AUTOCAD二次开发------------------------------------------------..
程序员既可以一次运行一段AutoLISP代码,也可以在 AutoCAD的Command下逐条键入AutoLISP指令,立即得到结果。
计算机辅助设计, AutoLISP,AutoCAD
With the continuous development of the computer technology , technical personnel's character increasing continuously, the application of the customization exploring technology of AutoCAD in computer-aided designation will get sooner better development.The remarkable success of AutoCAD , benefit to opening in first, making the third party to develop the appropriation software of every kind of suitable for use very easily, bringing the customer the standard, cheap, convenience, advantage efficiently,and so on, accordingly , taking more possession of market. The customer passes to make to order the development to the system of AutoCAD, joining together own profession characteristics, exploring CAD system belongs to ourselves. At present, the engineering graphics software of the domestic development adopts mostly the AutoCAD is used as its software props up the terrace, proceeding to second development, designing for the engineering to create with the graphics profession enormous and economic performance with social performance.Easy to see, this not only increases to the efficiency of designing consumedly, but also though developes the system making to order a some professions turns mold piece, even design large ploting software.
The AutoLISP is an AutoCAD hermeneutic API at the earliest stage, it not is a language to faced to the object,it used to come from to move to complete the mission of repetition primarily, proceed the client development and the menu of establishment AutoCAD and passing the simple mechanism to add orders for the AutoCAD.
The advantage of AutoLISP ,as follows:
1. The language rule is very simple, easy to learn and to use.
The source of AutoLISP and the language of LISP, with a general rule -form( LIST), describe the process with the data. Because this kind of rule is very simple, an engineer that he is not so thoroughly understand, need only through the short-term study, can be well-trained to control this language. The simplification of lisp,that is other language can’t compare with.The form of the " all-powerful" shielded the complicated process, can describe any data construction.
2. Aim at the AutoCAD directly, easily hand over with each other
The majority function provides is all to aim at the AutoCAD operation directly, the AutoLISP plait writes the operation that visit the AutoCAD sketch database( DWG) sketch database.
3. Explain to carry out, get effect instantly
Procedure member can circulate an AutoLISP code once, and also can the Command in AutoCAD bottom key-in the instruction of AutoLISP item by item, getting the result immediately.
computer-aided designation ,AutoLISP, AutoCAD
目 录
第一章 任务和实现目标
1.1任务要求 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
1.2实现目标 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
1.3开发工具 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
1.4着手设计 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
2.1 AUTOCAD历史------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
2.2 AUTOCAD 优点---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.3 AUTOCAD二次开发------------------------------------------------..