

分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

本文讨论了一个数据库系统的设计实例,并利用对数据库的操作,开发一个商业信息系统,本系统使用Visual Basic6.0做前台应用程序,Microsoft Access2000做后台数据库,使用ADO技术来连接数据库。系统中使用DataGrid控件、MsChart控件等ADO控件以及DataReport控件、DTPicker控件等具有数据绑定功能的控件与数据环境配合使用。本文主要内容如下:先对开发软件Visual Basic 6.0 面向对象程序设计作了简要介绍,同时详细说明了本系统所用的Visual Basic 6.0数据库系统及开发等相关知识。然后对系统进行需求分析,画出功能模块图,给出部分表。接着给出了程序设计的某些界面和部分代码。最后对此次设计进行了简明,扼要的总结。

With the rapid development of computer technology, computer technology has been applying to all over the fields of human, such as life,study, production, and so on. It has proved that the computers are efficient, comprehensive and prompt in processing and managing information. AS Data Base Management System (DBMS) is the best extensive in the application field of computer, which has been used as the one of most important system software in modern computer system.
The article is an instance for designing a database system, it introduces the development of a mercantile information system based on the operations of database. The system used Visual Basic 6.0 as Proscenium Application, and Mocrosoft Access2000 as Background Database, and ADO technic to connect with database. And we also used DataGrid control, MsChart control which is ADO control, and DataReport control, DTPicker control which can connect with Data Environment. In this article the main contents as the follows: First there is brief introductions of Visual Basic 6.0 and the programmer facing to object, also including the full and necessary recommendation of basic knowledge of database, then we proceed the need analysis of the system,draw out the diagram about the function module, also we have shown part of tables.and then give out some forms and part of code about the programmer. Finally, a simple and compendious summary is presented.
Keyword: Proscenium Application, Database, ActiveX Data Objects, Data Environment

第一章 前言 1
一.管理信息系统概述 1
1.管理信息系统的发展历史 1
2.MIS的应用 1
3.管理信息系统的组成 1
4.MIS界面的特点 1
二.开发工具的选择 2
三.Visual Basic 简介 2
四.设计具备的VB基本技能 3
第二章 需求分析 5
一.系统功能简介 5
二.系统功能模块图 5
三.数据库的设计 7
第三章 前台应用程序的设计 12
一.公共模块的创建 12
二.程序界面及相关代码的具体设计 13
1.系统登陆界面 13
2.密码修改界面 16
3.系统主界面 17
4.委托界面 24
5.查询界面 31
6.用户管理界面 32
7.委托统计界面 33
第四章 结论 39
附录A:英文文献 40
附录B:文献译文 43
附录C:参考文献及参考网页 45
结束语 46
参 考 文 献
[1] >, 刘圣才 李春葆 编著 清华大学出版社
[2] > 光盘,北京源江科技有限公司研制
[3] > 王国荣著 人民邮电出版社
[4] >, 刘韬,骆娟,何旭洪 编著 人民邮电出版社