

浅析牵引电机环火的原因及防护措施,目 录摘 要iabstractii引 言1第 1 章牵引电机环火的危害21.1牵引电机概述21.2环火的定义51.3环火的危害51.4当前的国内对牵引电机环火的研究现状6第 2 章牵引电机环火的原因分析12.1环火产生的具体原因分析12.2环火产生的具体案例分析2第 3 章 牵引电机环火...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 chaofeng7458 发布


目    录

摘   要 I
Abstract II
引   言 1
第 1 章 牵引电机环火的危害 2
1.1牵引电机概述 2
1.2环火的定义 5
1.3环火的危害 5
1.4当前的国内对牵引电机环火的研究现状 6
第 2 章 牵引电机环火的原因分析 1
2.1环火产生的具体原因分析 1
2.2环火产生的具体案例分析 2
第 3 章 牵引电机环火的防护措施分析 1
结 束 语 4
致    谢 5
参考文献 6

摘   要

关键词: 牵引电机;环火;故障;改进;
Traction motor of electric locomotive main electrical equipment as one, its quality of locomotive quality plays a crucial effect. Although in recent years, the manufacturer and the scientific research departments under the joint efforts, traction motor foundation to improve the quality of. But the traction motor in some harsh operating conditions, the commutator surface positive, negative brush may occur between the circular arc and strong short circuit occurs, accompanied by the flash and bang, this phenomenon is called the ring of fire. Ring fire not only seriously affect the safe and normal operation of the train, and every year to the railway transportation has caused huge economic losses. In this paper, referring to the large number of domestic and foreign research literature on the basis of information and data, the traction motor flashover fault analysis, discusses the fire ring fault reason, pointed out in the use, maintenance, maintenance of existing problems, and puts forward the preventive measures.
Key words: traction motor; fault; improvement of the ring of fire;