visual basicnet2003新增功能(外文文献翻译).doc


visual basicnet2003新增功能(外文文献翻译),as a veteran visual basic developer, you have undoubtedly invested a lot of time and effort in learning the intricacies of visual basic. at first glance, it may...
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此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

As a veteran Visual Basic developer, you have undoubtedly invested a lot of time and effort in learning the intricacies of Visual Basic. At first glance, it may appear to you that Visual Basic .NET is so radically different from what you know that you will have to learn it all over again. In reality, while many things have changed, the overall experience of developing in Visual Basic remains essentially the same. Your knowledge of Visual Basic will help you immediately become productive in Visual Basic .NET.
There are, however, a number of changes to Visual Basic that will require you to adjust your mindset and set aside some old habits. Some of the rules for the language, tasks such as debugging and deployment, and even some terminology have changed — often in subtle ways. Ultimately, the changes make Visual Basic easier and more powerful than ever before.

作为一个老练的Visaul Basic开发者,你无疑花了很多时间努力去研究Visual Basic的复杂性。Visual Basic.NET给你的第一印象是它和你所知道的完全不同,所以你不得不将重新学习它。实际上,尽管许多东西改变了,但Visual Basic的综合开发经验在本质上还是没变的。所以你的Visual Basic 知识将帮助你立即很好的学习Visual Basic.NET.
然而,与Visual Basic相比的很多改变要求你必须去调节你的固定思维,还得抛弃一些老习惯。一些语言规则、任务,比如调试和设置,甚至是一些术语经常在细微的方面发生了变化。最终,这些改变使Visual Basic比以前更简单,功能更强大。下面的主题将帮助你从一个Visual Basic 6.0的展望中去识别Visual Basic.NET的不同之处。
Visual Basic .NET 2003包含以下的改进,他们使你在写代码时更快,更少出错,并且还扩大了用户的范围。