

分类: 论文>机械工业论文



原文档由会员 zsbhxw 发布














The design of the spatial
gear train synthesizes the laboratory bench
Abstract: This design is to facilitate the student to have to the gear train understood clearly that regarding core curricula and so on mechanism has a deeper step understanding, therefore as the traditional gear train laboratory bench, we demonstrated clearly very difficultly its internal structure. Especially as teaching with gear train structure, Especially as teaching with gear train structure, but the different type structure's difference is also very big, particularly epicyclic train and compound gear train structure particularity, if only on the plane figure observation, if only on the plane figure observation, easily produces puzzled in the gear train velocity ratio computation or in its movement parsing process, moreover the traditional laboratory bench is the plane gear train mostly, cannot let the student understand the spatial gear train the structure and the movement form. Therefore this design according to the modern mechanism and the structural theory, take sharpens the design power of thought that beginning ability, innovation ability as the starting point, will provide the different gear, the axis, the bearing for the student and so on related components, the student may act according to itself to study the knowledge, will assemble the gear train laboratory bench according to own design, will enhance through such method to the spatial gear train understanding, a better study and will grasp the spatial gear train the knowledge key point, will deepen to its understanding, true will achieve studies for the purpose of application.
Key words: Gear train, laboratory bench, differential motion, dead axle


1绪论 1
2本设计的意义 3
2.1轮系的功能 3
2.2轮系的现状和发展趋势 4
2.3本设计的意义 6
3 机械运动方案设计 7
3.1 机械现代设计方法简介 7
3.2总功能分析---明确设计性轮系综合实验台的设计任务 8
3.3基本概念 9
3.4定轴轮系传动比及设计要点 13
3.4.1平面定轴轮系的传动比 14
3.4.2空间定轴轮系的传动比 16
3.4.3定轴轮系设计要点 17
3.5差动轮系的传动比及设计要点 18
3.5.1周转轮系的分类 18
3.5.2周转轮系的传动比 18
3.7 确定运动方案 20
3.8蜗杆的确定及计算 22
3.9锥齿轮的设计及计算 28
4零件图的确定 31
4.1蜗轮零件图的确定 31
4.2锥齿轮零件图的确定 32
4.3输入轴零件图的确定 32
4.3.1输入轴设计的主要问题 32
4.3.2输入轴的设计 33
4.3.3轴承的选择 35
4.3.4设备中的润滑 36
5部件图的确定 37
5.1定轴轮系部件图的确定 37
5.2差动轮系部件图的确定 38
5.3通用底座部件图的确定 39
6装配图的确定 39
6.1定轴轮系装配图的确定 40
6.2差动轮系装配图的确定 41
结论 42
附录 43
致谢 47