年产1000吨苯甲酸钠的工艺设计,摘 要苯甲酸钠是一种重要的精细化工产品,主要在食品工业用作食品防腐剂。本设计以甲苯、氧气为原料,在mncl2与nhpi组成的混合催化剂中氧化,得到的粗苯甲酸经过蒸馏得到纯净的苯甲酸,再经naoh中和反应及活性炭脱色后,制得无色透明的苯甲酸钠。研究了不同催化剂的反应性能、催化剂的物质的量比...

原文档由会员 flyaway121 发布年产1000吨苯甲酸钠的工艺设计
摘 要
苯甲酸钠 催化 中和 脱色 转化率
Sodium benzoate is an important kind of fine chemical products, which is mainly used in the food industry as food preservatives. It use toluene, oxygen as raw materials, and oxidized in the mixture catalyst, which is the Chlorinated manganese and NHPI, and getting the thick benzoic acid. Then distill pure benzoic acid from the thick benzoic acid. After reacted with the Sodium hydroxide and discolored by the activated carbon, the colorless transparent sodium benzoate was made. By analyzing the reaction of different catalyst, and the influence of catalytic number to the catalyst activity. The result shows that NHPI/ Chlorinated manganese catalytic system can catalytic p-toluene oxidation generating benzoic well, optimize the process conditions for:
n(Chlorinated manganese)∶n(NHPI)=5×10-2、n(catalyst)∶n(toluene)=10.5%、temperature for 100 ℃, reaction time for 13 h. In these conditions, the conversion rate of niteotoluene can achieve 75.4%. Under the mild conditions, the improved catalytic system can improve the reaction of the conversion rate and the selectivity of benzoic acid, thus it has an important applications in the industry.
This design process calculation of material balance calculations, heat balance calculations and major equipment selection. Drawings including process flow diagram, process flow diagram, workshop layout, the main equipment figure.
Key word: Sodium benzoate Catalytic Neutralization Decoloring Conversion
目 录
摘 要 2
Abstract 3
1 总论 5
1.1 概述 5
1.1.1 苯甲酸钠的性质 5
1.1.2 苯甲酸钠的用途 5
1.1.3 苯甲酸钠的国内生产状况 5
1.2 本设计的主要内容及意义 5
1.3 项目设计的来源 6
1.4 设计的指导思想 6
1.5 设计内容 6
1.6 生产工艺方案 6
1.7 生产流程简图 7
1.8 产品质量标准 7
2 工艺流程设计 8
2.1 合成苯甲酸钠工艺的选择 8
2.2 催化剂的选用 9
2.2.1 不同催化剂的反应性能 9
2.2.2 MnCl2与NHPI物质的量比对催化活性的影响 10
2.3 催化剂用量对反应的影响 10
2.4 反应温度对反应的影响 11
2.5 结论 12
3 工艺计算 12
3.1 基本参数 12
3.1.1 工艺流程示意图 12
3.1.2 主要原料及其规格 12
3.1.3 工艺技术指标及基础数据 12
3.2 物料衡算 12
3.2.1 每小时进料量(见下表) 16
3.2.2 每小时出料量(见下表) 17
3.3 热量衡算 17
3.4 主要设备的工艺计算以及设备选型 19
4 车间成本估算(见下表) 21
5 环境保护与安全措施 22
5.1 废水监测 22
5.2 废渣的处理和综合利用 22
6 工程图纸(见附页) 22
7 参考文献 23
致 谢 24