

年产2万吨二甲醚生产工艺设计,摘 要本设计为年产2万吨二甲醚的生产工艺设计。二甲醚作为一种用途广泛的化工产品,可主要用作冷冻剂、溶剂、萃取剂、气雾剂和燃料等,还能代替柴油作汽车燃料,又可作为民用燃料。在本设计任务书中,简单介绍了二甲醚的性能、主要用途、生产现状和发展趋势,并综合考虑了二甲醚的市场前景、物料资源、生产工艺等...
分类: 论文>生物/化学论文



原文档由会员 flyaway121 发布


摘 要

本设计为年产2万吨二甲醚的生产工艺设计。二甲醚作为一种用途广泛的化工产品,可主要用作冷冻剂、溶剂、萃取剂、气雾剂和燃料等,还能代替柴油作汽车燃料,又可作为民用燃料。在本设计任务书中,简单介绍了二甲醚的性能、主要用途、生产现状和发展趋势,并综合考虑了二甲醚的市场前景、物料资源、生产工艺等。通过对工艺路线的比较研究,确定了以气相甲醇脱水法作为本设计的工艺生产方法。根据设计任务的要求,甲醇进料量为4998 kg/h。以Aspen Plus软件进行模拟计算,初步得到以下结论:反应精馏塔的理论塔板数为20块,甲醇回收塔的理论塔板数为20块,得回流比为2。主要完成了工艺计算、二甲醚工艺流程示意图。设计结果达到了设计课题的要求,完成了二甲醚的生产工工艺的初步设计,完成了物料、设备等的相关计算 。
关键词:二甲醚;工艺设计;Aspen Plus




This is a manufacturing process design for dimethyl ether acetate 20,000 tons per year. Dimethyl ether was widely used in chemical products, it was mainly used as a refrigerant, solvent, extractant, aerosol and fuel, and also to replace diesel fuel for vehicles, and also as a domestic fuel. The design introduced briefly the performance, the main purpose, production status and development trends of the dimethyl ether; and considering the market prospects, material resources, the production process, and so on. By comparing to the craft routes, I choose Vapor phase methanol dehydration to produce methyl acetate. According to the task of the design, the Methanol feed rate as 4998 kilogram per hour. Through the Aspen Plus simulation, get the following dates: the theoretical number of the distillation tower is 20, the theoretical number of the Methanol recovery tower is 20, and the reflux ratio is 2. The design was completed for the process flow diagram of DME. The design result reached the requirements of the design issues, completed the DME production process design, finished materials, thermal, etc-related calculations.

Key words:  Dimethyl Ether; process design; Aspen Plus

目 录

摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
1 文献综述 1
1.1二甲醚概述 1
1.1.1理化性质 1
1.1.1二甲醚的用途 2
1.2二甲醚市场 3
1.2.1国内市场 3
1.2.2国际市场 4
预测 6
1.3二甲醚合成工艺路线[ 6
1.3.1液相甲醇脱水法制DME 6
1.3.2气相甲醇脱水法制DME 6
1.3.3合成气一步法生产DME 7
1.2.4 CO2加氢直接合成DME 7
1.2.5 催化蒸馏法制DME 7
1.4设计方案 8
2 工艺设计 9
2.1设计任务要求 9
2.2工艺流程介绍 9
2.3工艺流程说明 9
2.3.1甲醇汽化 9
2.3.2反应 10
2.3.3合成气冷却 10
2.3.4二甲醚精馏 10
2.3.5 甲醇回收塔 10
2.4催化剂 11
3 计算结果 12
3.1物料衡算 12
3.2精馏塔 16
3.3甲醇回收塔 21
4 设计总结 26
参考文献 27
致 谢 29