原文档由会员 渭水亭榭 发布 浅谈柳州住宅建筑工程公司坏账管理
Along with the science and technology and the rapid development of the enterprise, market competition is growing again, credit the existence of commercial credit enterprise competitiveness, on the other hand will bring huge credit risk (i.e., the formation of accounts receivable). And the accounts receivable may not withdraw, will form the loss of bad, the serious influence enterprise of normal operating activities, restrict the development of the enterprise. So the loss of bad management enterprise is very necessary. Firstly, this paper introduces the concepts of the bad, introduces the present situation of Chinese enterprise management and bad bad management, and finally puts forward problems of enterprise management solutions. Bad In order to strengthen enterprise management to dissolve bad risk.
This article from the bad debt loss causes and Countermeasures author.Point out construction company accounts receivable management problems,Analysis of its causes and find solutions,Put forward to strengthen enterprise bad debt management,To reduce the bad debt and corporate debt management and risk control scheme.
Key words: account receivable; bad account loss; bad account management; risk control
前言 1
一、坏账的相关理论 2
(一)坏账及坏账准备的定义 2
(二)坏账产生的原因 2
1.企业内部管理制度和法律法规漏洞 2
2.道德失范 2
(三)坏账管理的必要性 3
1.建筑施工企业坏账率较高的原因 3
2.公司进行坏账管理的必要性 3
二、公司的概况 4
(一)公司的简介 4
(二)公司的坏账情况 4
三、公司坏账管理中存在的问题 6
(一)坏账准备计提的比例及方法不当 6
1.计提比例 6
2.计提方法 6
(二)坏账确定的依据不足 7
(三)坏账处置的方法不当 7
四、公司坏账管理的建议 9
(一)坏账准备金的提取 9
1.坏账准备金提取的方法 9
2.计提坏账准备的范围及比例 9
(二)坏账的确定 10
1.确定坏账的标准 10
2.严格确认坏账的流程 12
(三)事后坏账的处置 12
1.债权的转让 12
2.坏账的核销 13
总 结 14
致 谢 15
参考文献 16
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