金属切削性能的多参数检测方法研究,摘 要针对我国发动机缸体用灰铸件生产中的刀具磨损严重的问题,采用了复合孕育处理的方法来提高灰铸件的加工性能。并成功地应用了万能工具显微镜对加工经不同孕育处理的灰铸件的钻头的后刀面磨损宽度予以测量,可达到对经不同孕育理灰铸件的加工性能的精确评估。由于长期以来...

此文档由会员 承风沐光 发布金属切削性能的多参数检测方法研究
摘 要
关键词; 铸体,切削性能,测试,扭矩,机床,变频电机
The developing situation of the gray cast iron used in cylinder body is introduced. The performance of the domestic gray casts contrasts with the foreign ones. The questions existed in our cylinder product are put forwarded, particular to the machinery-ability of cylinder body. The wear of the flank face of the drill is measured by the universal tool microscope, which can accurately measure the wear of the drill.
As a result of a long time, people are used to block the processing properties of gray cast the importance of lack of necessary knowledge, no researchers have been of sufficient importance, which so far has yet to effectively enhance the body with a gray cast processing effective way of performance and measure the performance of mixed gray castings accurate processing methods, by combining the theory of the basis of previous studies, through the application of complex breeding methods and the use of universal tool microscope after disc of processing drilling drill flank wear width measurements, with a view to fundamentally solve these problems a long period of time block the development of China's science and technology problems.
This paper is a modification of a machine to measure the torque suffered a bit. Remove the tool, install one in his bit, carried by wire, slide the box to achieve drill feed motion, the workpiece metal drill bit, variable frequency drive motor to drill, drill motor to different speeds and can be up and down through the Tailstock movement up and down to change the location of the workpiece to achieve more freedom。
Bit in the cutting process can be subject to torque spindle motor attached to the sensor to measure. The equipment used in the slide of the machine tool boxes, carrying silk, rail, Tailstock, Spindle motor fixed frequency of the sensor.
KEY WORDS: casting, cutting performance, testing, torque, machine tools, vari
目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1灰铸铁切削性能研究的意义 1
1.2、国内外缸体生产的发展的现状的趋势 1
1.3现在我国生产的灰铸件就加工性能而言与国外生产的灰铸件主要存在以下方面的差异: 2
1.4金属切削机床在国民经济中的地位 2
1.5机床的发展概况和我国机床工业目前的水平 3
第2章 方案原理和扭矩的测量 5
2.1 扭矩的意义 7
2.2传感器的选用 8
2.3 传感器的类型 9
2.3.1应变型扭矩传感器 9
2.3.2 压电式传感器 10
2.4电桥 12
2.4.1直流电桥 12
2.4.2交流电桥 13
2.5应变片的粘法 13
2.6 测力轴承 15
2.7相近实例 16
第3章 机床的整体设计 17
3.1车床类型 18
3.2车床的整体设计 20
3.2.1 床身的设计 20
3.2.2 导轨的选择 20
3.2.3 直线运动机构的选择 20
3.4 溜板箱 21
3.5 尾座部分 23
3.5.1 夹具体的具体设计 23
第4章 电机的选择 27
4.1交流电动机的调速方式 27
4.1.1调压调速 27
4.1.2电磁转差离合器调速系统 27
4.1.3 绕线转子异步电动机转子回路串电阻调速 28
4.1.4 绕线转子异步电动机串级调速 28
4.1.5 变频调速 28
4.2 变频器的构成 29
第5章 切削式样材料的实验内容和研究方法 31
5.1实验内容 31
5.2 实验方法 31
第6章 实验结果和分析 33
6.1 单一孕育剂的孕育结果 33
6.1.1 单一孕育剂处理铸件的分析 33
6.1.2 单一孕育剂处理灰铸件加工性能结果和分析 33
6.1.3单一孕育剂处理灰铸件的实验结论 35
6.2 75FeSi+Sr复合孕育处理灰铸件的结果和分析 35
6.2.1 75FeSi+Sr符合孕育剂灰铸件力学性能对比 35
6.2.2 复合育剂处理灰铸件的断面敏感性对比 36
6.2.3 75FeSi+Sr复合育剂灰铸件的加工性能对比 36
6.2.4 75FeSi+Sr复合育剂灰铸件的显微组织的分析和对比 37
6.2.5 75FeSi+Sr复合育剂灰铸件的试验结论 38
结 论 39
谢 辞 40
参考文献 41
外文资料翻译 42