专用钻床设计,摘 要 当今,在市场需求的不断扩展和技术不断更新的条件下,世界各国对机械产品的精度和质量要求也在不断的提高,因此数控机床、专用机床已经成为不可阻挡的趋势,并且一些发达国家在这方面已经取得了卓越的成就,而我国在这方面的发展与西方发达国家相比还有不小的差距,因此要提高我国在机械行业的竞争力,已经成为我们不可推卸...

此文档由会员 承风沐光 发布专用钻床设计
摘 要
这次我们组设计的任务是八缸泵的下体的大批量加工,生产纲领:10万件/年。我的具体任务就是钻8个Φ8的螺纹底孔。油泵箱体的零件图, 精度要求比较高。为了保证加工要求,经过对零件的分析,我们拟订出工艺规程路线。根据加工要求,本道工序采用专用立式钻床进行加工。在夹具设计中,对零件图进行分析,采用“一面两销”定位原理;主轴箱的设计中,以提高主轴的刚度,采用刚性主轴,由于我所设计的是立式钻床,主要承受的是轴向力,所以主轴采用两个止推轴承外加两个深沟球轴承组合支撑,从而降低径向跳动和轴向窜动,以保证主轴的平稳性,另外考虑到实际机床的安装问题,采用步进电机经一级减速传给主轴以达到加工目的;而机床总体设计中,各部件的设计,要以有利于操作者操作为设计方向,从而达到进一步提高劳动生产效率,降低生产成本的最终目的。
Today, exclusive vertical drilling design brief, the market needs to continue to expand and update the technical conditions, the world of mechanical precision products and quality requirements are also ongoing to improve, CNC machine tools, Special Machine has become an irresistible trend, and some developed countries in this respect has achieved a remarkable success China, in the development in this area when compared with Western developed countries, there is still a small gap, Therefore, in order to improve the machinery industry's competitiveness, has become an able responsibility and obligation As a university student must also shoulder the responsibility.
We designed this task group is the eight-cylinder pump to the lower body mass processing, production program: 100,000 / year. My specific task is to drill eight Φ8 bottom of the thread. Box pump parts map, the accuracy requirements are relatively high. In order to ensure processing demand, parts of the analysis, we developed a point of order out of line. According to the processing requirements of the exclusive use of a process of vertical drilling machine processing. In fixture design, the right parts chart analysis, "a two sales," positioning principle; Spindle box design, Spindle to improve the stiffness using rigid spindle, because I designed the vertical drilling, the bear is the main thrust, So spindle using two thrust bearings plus two deep groove ball bearing assembly support, thereby reducing the radial and axial movement of beating to ensure the smooth spindle, the other taking into account the actual machine installation problems, Stepper motors used by a slowdown pass spindle to achieve processing; and machine design, the design of the various components, to help operators design direction for the operation, so as to achieve further improve labor productivity. Lowering production costs ultimate goal.
KEY WORDS: dedicated vertical drilling, spindle box design, rigid spindle, a marketing positioning two principles.
目 录
前 言 1
第1章 零件的工艺设计 3
§1.1 确定毛坯的制造形式 3
§1.2 零件的工艺分析 3
§1.3工艺规程的设计 4
§1.3.1 基面的选择 4
§1.3.2 工艺路线的制定 5
§1.3.3 机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定 8
第2章 切削要素的选择与计算 11
§2.1.刀具的选择 11
§2.2.切削用量的选取 11
§2.2.1切削用量的选择 11
§2.2.2 切削要素的计算 11
第3章 夹具设计 14
§3.1 夹紧方案确定 14
§3.2 夹紧力的受力分析 17
第4章 主轴箱设计 18
§4.1传动的选择和设计 18
§4.2 主轴组件的设计 19
§4.2.1 主轴组件的设计 19
§4.2.2 齿轮的设计 19
§4.3 主轴参数 20
§4.4 主轴支承系统的设计 22
第5章 机床总体设计 23
§5.1 机床联系尺寸图的绘制 23
结 论 25
参考文献 26
致 谢 27