
原文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
Distributed actuation is a major application of sensor
networks that relies on the iniformation provided by the sen-
sors and the ability of the actuators to change the environ-
ment, to try to achieve a set of desired conditions. In large
scale ad hoc distributed sensor-actuator networks, tradi-
tional centralized control algorithms are undesirable due
to limiting factors such as scalinig, delays associated with
collectinig informnation, and energy conslumption. To tackle
distributed actuation problems in wireless sensor networks,
groups of sensors anid actuators canfirst be matched (clus-
tered) efficiently and then the problem posed and solved in
localized manners.
In this paper givena a set of sensors and control-
lable sources of superposable phetnomena (e.g. light and
heat), we first formulate and optintally solve the distrib-
uted sensor-actuator problem as an instance of central-
ized quadratic programming. We then investigate localized
heuristics that can achieve near optimal results while trad-
ing off message exchanges and energy consumption for ac-
curacy and latency in obtaining the results. We also briefly
discuss the clustering algorithm used as a heuristicfor solv-
itng the matching problem associated with matching the seni-
sors to the proper actuators. Light sensors and sources are
utsed throughout the paper as an illustrating application.
Distributed actuation is a major application of sensor
networks that relies on the iniformation provided by the sen-
sors and the ability of the actuators to change the environ-
ment, to try to achieve a set of desired conditions. In large
scale ad hoc distributed sensor-actuator networks, tradi-
tional centralized control algorithms are undesirable due
to limiting factors such as scalinig, delays associated with
collectinig informnation, and energy conslumption. To tackle
distributed actuation problems in wireless sensor networks,
groups of sensors anid actuators canfirst be matched (clus-
tered) efficiently and then the problem posed and solved in
localized manners.
In this paper givena a set of sensors and control-
lable sources of superposable phetnomena (e.g. light and
heat), we first formulate and optintally solve the distrib-
uted sensor-actuator problem as an instance of central-
ized quadratic programming. We then investigate localized
heuristics that can achieve near optimal results while trad-
ing off message exchanges and energy consumption for ac-
curacy and latency in obtaining the results. We also briefly
discuss the clustering algorithm used as a heuristicfor solv-
itng the matching problem associated with matching the seni-
sors to the proper actuators. Light sensors and sources are
utsed throughout the paper as an illustrating application.