
原文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
摘要——急需为发展存在廉宜的,高度地选择的,和极端地敏感的传感器帮助打击恐怖主义。如果这样的传感器可以被制造成极其小的规模,他们可能在实际上任何形势里被部署。恐怖分子有多种潜在代理和交付,这样意味着从中选择化学,生物学,传播学,或者爆炸攻击。检测恐怖分子武器已经成为一项复杂和昂贵的努力,因为目前需要众多传感器平台去发现不同类型的威胁。能集中生产和有效部署出一种能查出一系列威胁的单一传感器是赢得这场反恐怖主义战争的根本。基于硅的微型电子悬臂传感器代表了一种能与恐怖主义作斗争的理想的传感器平台,因为这些微型传感器是廉价的并且可以被部署在任何地方。最近,这种高灵敏性的微型悬臂传感器已经被用在各种各样的威胁的侦查中。因此, 这种要求为单一微型传感器平台的需求已经被认识,并且实现这种综合、广泛、可部署的微型传感器是几乎可能的。
Abstract—An urgent need exists for the development of inex-
pensive, highly selective, and extremely sensitive sensors to help
combat terrorism. If such sensors can be made miniature, they
could be deployed in virtually any situation. Terrorists have a wide
variety of potential agents and delivery means to choose from for
chemical, biological, radiological, or explosive attacks. Detecting
terrorist weapons has become a complex and expensive endeavor,
because a multitude of sensor platforms is currently needed to de-
tect the various types of threats. The ability to mass produce and
cost effectively deploy a single type of sensor that can detect a wide
range of threats is essential in winning the war on terrorism. Sil-
icon-based microelectromechanical sensors (MEMS) represent an
ideal sensor platformfor combating terrorismbecause theseminia-
ture sensors are inexpensive and can be deployed almost anywhere.
Recently, the high sensitivity ofMEMS-based microcantilever sen-
sors has been demonstrated in the detection of a variety of threats.
Therefore, the critical requirements for a single, miniature sensor
platformhave beenmet and the realization of an integrated, widely
deployable MEMS sensor could be near.
Index Terms—Chemical, biological, radiological, or explosive
(CBRE) detection, homeland defense, microcantilever, microelec-
tromechanical sensors (MEMS) sensor, terrorism.
摘要——急需为发展存在廉宜的,高度地选择的,和极端地敏感的传感器帮助打击恐怖主义。如果这样的传感器可以被制造成极其小的规模,他们可能在实际上任何形势里被部署。恐怖分子有多种潜在代理和交付,这样意味着从中选择化学,生物学,传播学,或者爆炸攻击。检测恐怖分子武器已经成为一项复杂和昂贵的努力,因为目前需要众多传感器平台去发现不同类型的威胁。能集中生产和有效部署出一种能查出一系列威胁的单一传感器是赢得这场反恐怖主义战争的根本。基于硅的微型电子悬臂传感器代表了一种能与恐怖主义作斗争的理想的传感器平台,因为这些微型传感器是廉价的并且可以被部署在任何地方。最近,这种高灵敏性的微型悬臂传感器已经被用在各种各样的威胁的侦查中。因此, 这种要求为单一微型传感器平台的需求已经被认识,并且实现这种综合、广泛、可部署的微型传感器是几乎可能的。
Abstract—An urgent need exists for the development of inex-
pensive, highly selective, and extremely sensitive sensors to help
combat terrorism. If such sensors can be made miniature, they
could be deployed in virtually any situation. Terrorists have a wide
variety of potential agents and delivery means to choose from for
chemical, biological, radiological, or explosive attacks. Detecting
terrorist weapons has become a complex and expensive endeavor,
because a multitude of sensor platforms is currently needed to de-
tect the various types of threats. The ability to mass produce and
cost effectively deploy a single type of sensor that can detect a wide
range of threats is essential in winning the war on terrorism. Sil-
icon-based microelectromechanical sensors (MEMS) represent an
ideal sensor platformfor combating terrorismbecause theseminia-
ture sensors are inexpensive and can be deployed almost anywhere.
Recently, the high sensitivity ofMEMS-based microcantilever sen-
sors has been demonstrated in the detection of a variety of threats.
Therefore, the critical requirements for a single, miniature sensor
platformhave beenmet and the realization of an integrated, widely
deployable MEMS sensor could be near.
Index Terms—Chemical, biological, radiological, or explosive
(CBRE) detection, homeland defense, microcantilever, microelec-
tromechanical sensors (MEMS) sensor, terrorism.
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