struts标签库 外文翻译.doc
struts标签库 外文翻译,外文资料所译外文资料:①作者:ted husted②书名:struts in action③所译章节:10.310.3 the struts taglibsfirst, your application is not constrained to using only the struts tags. tag exte...
此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
① 作者:Ted Husted
② 书名:Struts in Action
③ 所译章节:10.3
10.3 The Struts taglibs
First, your application is not constrained to using only the Struts tags. Tag extensions are a standard Java technology. Other standard libraries are available,including Sun’s JSP Standard Tag Library [Sun, JSTL], the Jakarta Taglibs [ASF,Taglibs], and Struts-Layout tags by Improve [Improve], to name a few. All of these,and more, can be used in your application alongside the Struts taglibs. If you have needs that are not met by a prewritten extension, or would like to streamline a tag’s processing, you can also write your own custom tags. Your own tags can then be mixed and matched with those from other sources.
The Struts distribution includes four key tag libraries: bean, html, logic, and nesting,as listed in table 10.2. Most of the tags in the html library (org.apache. struts.taglibs.html) depend on the framework. Most of the tags in the other libraries do not rely on the framework and could be used in other applications. In this section, we look at common features shared by the Struts taglib, and then introduce each of the libraries. This material is not meant to replace the Struts
Table 10.2 The four key Struts tag libraries
④ 作者:Ted Husted
⑤ 书名:Struts in Action
10.3. Struts标签库
首先,你的应用并没有被约束来只能使用 Struts 标签。标签扩展是一个标准的Java 技术。其它标准库也可以使用,包括Sun 的JSP 标准标签库 [Sun, JSTL],Jakarta 标签库 [ASF,taglibs],以及Improve 的Struts-Layout 标签 [Improve],当然还有其它。所有这些标签,其及其它好多标签,都可以在应用中和Struts 标签库一起使用。如果你有些需求现有的标签不能满足,或者你想研究一下标签的处理流程,你也可以自己编写你自己的标签。你自己的标签可以和其它资源混合或者匹配使用。
Struts 的分发包包括了几个关键的标签库: bean, html, logic, 和nesting,列于表 10.2。位于html 库 (org.apache.struts.taglibs.html)的大部分标签要依赖于框架。而其它库中的大部分标签并不依赖于框架,也可以在其它应用中使用。
① 作者:Ted Husted
② 书名:Struts in Action
③ 所译章节:10.3
10.3 The Struts taglibs
First, your application is not constrained to using only the Struts tags. Tag extensions are a standard Java technology. Other standard libraries are available,including Sun’s JSP Standard Tag Library [Sun, JSTL], the Jakarta Taglibs [ASF,Taglibs], and Struts-Layout tags by Improve [Improve], to name a few. All of these,and more, can be used in your application alongside the Struts taglibs. If you have needs that are not met by a prewritten extension, or would like to streamline a tag’s processing, you can also write your own custom tags. Your own tags can then be mixed and matched with those from other sources.
The Struts distribution includes four key tag libraries: bean, html, logic, and nesting,as listed in table 10.2. Most of the tags in the html library (org.apache. struts.taglibs.html) depend on the framework. Most of the tags in the other libraries do not rely on the framework and could be used in other applications. In this section, we look at common features shared by the Struts taglib, and then introduce each of the libraries. This material is not meant to replace the Struts
Table 10.2 The four key Struts tag libraries
④ 作者:Ted Husted
⑤ 书名:Struts in Action
10.3. Struts标签库
首先,你的应用并没有被约束来只能使用 Struts 标签。标签扩展是一个标准的Java 技术。其它标准库也可以使用,包括Sun 的JSP 标准标签库 [Sun, JSTL],Jakarta 标签库 [ASF,taglibs],以及Improve 的Struts-Layout 标签 [Improve],当然还有其它。所有这些标签,其及其它好多标签,都可以在应用中和Struts 标签库一起使用。如果你有些需求现有的标签不能满足,或者你想研究一下标签的处理流程,你也可以自己编写你自己的标签。你自己的标签可以和其它资源混合或者匹配使用。
Struts 的分发包包括了几个关键的标签库: bean, html, logic, 和nesting,列于表 10.2。位于html 库 (org.apache.struts.taglibs.html)的大部分标签要依赖于框架。而其它库中的大部分标签并不依赖于框架,也可以在其它应用中使用。