

分类: 论文>计算机论文



原文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布



With the development of information technology, peoples standard of living have improved constantly. On-line game as a means of entertainment has a unique charm to attract more and more players. To meet chess lovers ,this design has realized the Challenges of Chinese-chess between players under the current LAN environment.
In view of the characteristics of local area networks and the requirements of the game itself, the design uses a two-tier C/S structure to achieve mutual communication. It contains the following major modules: the network communication module, image rendering module and the rules set up module. Network Communication Module allows gamers can quickly set up a convenient network connection in order to achieve an online game and chat function; image rendering module to update the board as well as functional pieces, such as the dynamic that; rules binding settings module for step-by-step player's game.
Computer games is the field of computer applications as an important subject, and present the most popular casual online games war among board games. By the data structure, algorithms and network online, as well as the network platform for systematic analysis of the war, designed a set of VC + + platform based on the category Card battle system.

Keywords: Network Communication; Online game; Image Rendering; Message Response
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1绪论 3
1.1课题背景 3
1.2课题发展概况 3
1.3本文主要工作 4
2系统介绍 5
2.1系统简介 5
2.2 系统构成 5
2.3相关技术 5
2.3.1 点对点通信 5
2.3.2 TCP/IP协议 6
2.3.3 UPD基础 7
2.3.4屏幕作图与用户交互 7
2.3.5远程控制原理 8
3设计与实现 9
3.1数据结构 9
3.1.1棋盘 9
3.1.2棋子信息数组 10
3.1.3变量与函数 11
3.2图像绘制 12
3.2.1主窗口 12
3.2.2棋盘的绘制 12
3.2.3棋子的绘制及初始化 13
3.2.4动态显示 14
3.2.5回看功能 15
3.3规则设置 15
3.3.1棋子规则 15
3.3.2规则算法 15
3.4网络通信 17
3.4.1CCOM类 17
3.4.2数据代码 18
3.4.3数据更新 19
3.4.4聊天功能 19
3.5棋子操作 20
3.5.1获取点击 20
3.5.2走棋判断 21
3.5.3光标变化 21
4总结与展望 23
4.1总结 23
4.2展望 23
参考文献 24
致 谢 25

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