基于先验信噪比的改进型谱减法,摘 要语音增强的目的主要是改进语音质量,在消除背景噪音的同时提高语音可懂度,但是这两个目的往往不能兼得。目前有一些对非平稳噪声干扰下的语音信号进行增强的方法,可以降低背景噪声,但有时会引入刺耳的音乐噪声,且不能提高语音的可懂度,甚至略有下降。其中谱减法作为一种单信道语音增强方法,以其简单有效...

此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
摘 要
关键词: 谱减法 语音增强 噪声估计
The mainly purpose of speech enhancement is to improve the quality of speech, raises the intelligibility of speech while eliminating background noise, but this two purposes can not often be gotten simultaneously. Now there are many method of speech enhancement for the speech signal with near-stationary noise can reduce background noise, but can produce an annoying noise called music noise, and the intelligibility can not raise even drops. As a method of one channel speech enhancement, spectral subtraction is deeply welcome because it is easy and efficient.
In this paper, the SNR of the speech signal is estimated, then the enhanced speech signal is gotten. MATLAB is used to realize the purpose, and it is compared with traditional spectral subtraction. It shows that this algorithm is better for the speech signal with the near-stationary noise; it restrains the music noise and reduces the background noise, it also raises the intelligibility. The complex degree also can be accepted.
Keyword: Spectral subtraction Speech enhancement
Noise estimation
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及问题提出 1
1.2 语音增强研究的主要内容和发展方向 1
1.3 谱减法语音增强的研究现状 3
第二章 语音感知和噪声特性 5
2.1 语音特性 5
2.2噪声特性 5
第三章 谱减法语音增强算法 7
3.1 语音增强算法概述 7
3.2一般谱减法 8
3.2.1 基本原理 8
3.2.3 基本步骤和仿真结果 11
3. 3 “音乐噪声”的产生 13
3.4 改进的谱减法 14
3.4.1改进型谱减法的种类 14
3.4.2 幅度谱平滑 15
3.4.3 被减项加权值处理 16
3.4.4 功率谱修正处理 16
第四章 基于先验信噪比估计的改进型谱减法 19
4.1 基本原理 19
4.2 寂静帧和语音帧的判定 19
4.3 算法的实现 21
4.4 参数的估计 22
4.5 实验结果和分析 22
第五章 性能评价 25
5.1 信噪比改进 25
5.2 主观评价 25
结论 27
参考文献 29
[1] JAE.S.LIM,And V.Oppenbeim, Enhancement and Bandweidch Compression of Noise Speech[J].PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE,Vol.67
[2] Wang DL,Lim JS,The unimportance of phase in speech enhancement [J].IEEE Trans Acoust Speech Signal Processing,1982,30(4):679-681.
[3] Ephraim Y, Malah D. Speech enhancement using a minimum mean-square error short-time spectra amplitude estimator [J].IEEE Trans Acoust Speech Signal Processing,1984.32(6):1109-1121.
[4] S. F. Boll, “Suppression of acoustic noise in speech using spectral subtraction”, IEEE
Transaction on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Proc., Vol. 27, pp. 113–120,1979
[5] M. Berouti, R. Schwartz, J. Makhoul, “Enhancement of speech corrupted by acoustic noise”, Proc. IEEE ICASSP, pp.208-211, Washington, DC, April 1979
[6] P. Lockwood, J. Boudy, “Experiments with a nonlinear spectral subtraction(NSS),hidden
Markov models and projection for robust recognition in cars”, Speech Communication,
pp.215-228, November 1992
[7] B. Lim Sim, Y. C. Tong, “A parametric formulation of the generalized spectral
subtraction method”, IEEE Transaction on Speech and Audio Processing,pp.328-337,
June 1998
[8] N. Virag, “Single channel speech enhancement based on masking properties of human
auditory system”, IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, pp.126-137, July
[9] “JAE.S.LIM,And V.Oppenbeim, Enhancement and Bandweidch Compression of Noise Speech[J].PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE,Vol,67(12):1586-1604”
[10] 张波等,“低信噪比下的一种自适应有声/无声判决算法”,信号处理,1996
[11] 沈亚强,程仲文。一种基于自适应的语音增强方法[J]。信号处理,1993,9(1):9-14
[12] 付强,易克初,田斌,语音信号处理[M] 国防工业出版社
[13] 张金杰,曹志刚等。一种基于听觉岩壁效应的语音增强方法。清华大学学报(自然科学版),2001,41(7):1-4
[14] 廖春波。语音增强及其相关技术的研究。[大连理工大学学位论文]2003
[15] Tsoukalas D E, Mourjopoulos J N. Speech enhancement based on audible noise suppression.IEEETrans Speech and AudioProcessing,1997,5(6)497-514
[16] 刘海滨,“非平稳环境下基于人耳听觉掩蔽特性的语音增强”,信号处理,Vol.19,No.4,2003
[17] 王永红等,“谱相减技术中“音乐噪声”的抑制”,桂林电子工业学院学报,
摘 要
关键词: 谱减法 语音增强 噪声估计
The mainly purpose of speech enhancement is to improve the quality of speech, raises the intelligibility of speech while eliminating background noise, but this two purposes can not often be gotten simultaneously. Now there are many method of speech enhancement for the speech signal with near-stationary noise can reduce background noise, but can produce an annoying noise called music noise, and the intelligibility can not raise even drops. As a method of one channel speech enhancement, spectral subtraction is deeply welcome because it is easy and efficient.
In this paper, the SNR of the speech signal is estimated, then the enhanced speech signal is gotten. MATLAB is used to realize the purpose, and it is compared with traditional spectral subtraction. It shows that this algorithm is better for the speech signal with the near-stationary noise; it restrains the music noise and reduces the background noise, it also raises the intelligibility. The complex degree also can be accepted.
Keyword: Spectral subtraction Speech enhancement
Noise estimation
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及问题提出 1
1.2 语音增强研究的主要内容和发展方向 1
1.3 谱减法语音增强的研究现状 3
第二章 语音感知和噪声特性 5
2.1 语音特性 5
2.2噪声特性 5
第三章 谱减法语音增强算法 7
3.1 语音增强算法概述 7
3.2一般谱减法 8
3.2.1 基本原理 8
3.2.3 基本步骤和仿真结果 11
3. 3 “音乐噪声”的产生 13
3.4 改进的谱减法 14
3.4.1改进型谱减法的种类 14
3.4.2 幅度谱平滑 15
3.4.3 被减项加权值处理 16
3.4.4 功率谱修正处理 16
第四章 基于先验信噪比估计的改进型谱减法 19
4.1 基本原理 19
4.2 寂静帧和语音帧的判定 19
4.3 算法的实现 21
4.4 参数的估计 22
4.5 实验结果和分析 22
第五章 性能评价 25
5.1 信噪比改进 25
5.2 主观评价 25
结论 27
参考文献 29
[1] JAE.S.LIM,And V.Oppenbeim, Enhancement and Bandweidch Compression of Noise Speech[J].PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE,Vol.67
[2] Wang DL,Lim JS,The unimportance of phase in speech enhancement [J].IEEE Trans Acoust Speech Signal Processing,1982,30(4):679-681.
[3] Ephraim Y, Malah D. Speech enhancement using a minimum mean-square error short-time spectra amplitude estimator [J].IEEE Trans Acoust Speech Signal Processing,1984.32(6):1109-1121.
[4] S. F. Boll, “Suppression of acoustic noise in speech using spectral subtraction”, IEEE
Transaction on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Proc., Vol. 27, pp. 113–120,1979
[5] M. Berouti, R. Schwartz, J. Makhoul, “Enhancement of speech corrupted by acoustic noise”, Proc. IEEE ICASSP, pp.208-211, Washington, DC, April 1979
[6] P. Lockwood, J. Boudy, “Experiments with a nonlinear spectral subtraction(NSS),hidden
Markov models and projection for robust recognition in cars”, Speech Communication,
pp.215-228, November 1992
[7] B. Lim Sim, Y. C. Tong, “A parametric formulation of the generalized spectral
subtraction method”, IEEE Transaction on Speech and Audio Processing,pp.328-337,
June 1998
[8] N. Virag, “Single channel speech enhancement based on masking properties of human
auditory system”, IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, pp.126-137, July
[9] “JAE.S.LIM,And V.Oppenbeim, Enhancement and Bandweidch Compression of Noise Speech[J].PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE,Vol,67(12):1586-1604”
[10] 张波等,“低信噪比下的一种自适应有声/无声判决算法”,信号处理,1996
[11] 沈亚强,程仲文。一种基于自适应的语音增强方法[J]。信号处理,1993,9(1):9-14
[12] 付强,易克初,田斌,语音信号处理[M] 国防工业出版社
[13] 张金杰,曹志刚等。一种基于听觉岩壁效应的语音增强方法。清华大学学报(自然科学版),2001,41(7):1-4
[14] 廖春波。语音增强及其相关技术的研究。[大连理工大学学位论文]2003
[15] Tsoukalas D E, Mourjopoulos J N. Speech enhancement based on audible noise suppression.IEEETrans Speech and AudioProcessing,1997,5(6)497-514
[16] 刘海滨,“非平稳环境下基于人耳听觉掩蔽特性的语音增强”,信号处理,Vol.19,No.4,2003
[17] 王永红等,“谱相减技术中“音乐噪声”的抑制”,桂林电子工业学院学报,